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Richmond Fed Manufacturing Survey Significantly Improves In March 2016

Richmond Fed Manufacturing Survey Significantly Improves In March 2016

Of the three regional Federal Reserve surveys released to date, all are in expansion. Market expectations from Bloomberg were between -3 to -2 (consensus 0). The actual survey value was +22 [note that values above zero represent expansion]. Fifth District manufacturing activity expanded in March, according to the most recent survey by the Federal Reserve […]
4 Hot Stocks To Keep An Eye Out For In Medical Services

4 Hot Stocks To Keep An Eye Out For In Medical Services

“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” – Warren Buffett Indeed, uncertainty is not new to the world of investing. A regular investor knows that nothing pays off better than adequate, up-to-date knowledge of the current market and one’s current portfolio. And reevaluating one’s portfolio, from time to time, is even more important if […]
Oil Rips On Yet Another Doha “Freeze” Meeting Headline (As Predicted)

Oil Rips On Yet Another Doha “Freeze” Meeting Headline (As Predicted)

Around 9:15 ET we tweeted the need for an OPEC meeting headline as oil prices started to accelerate losses. 70 minutes later, the market’s “wish” was granted when Algeria (yes, seriously) announced they will attend, Nigeria is hopeful, and Libya said it would not attend… of course any headline is a buying opportunity and the algos […]
Circuit Breaker Halts

Circuit Breaker Halts

Circuit Breaker Halts As a full-time day trader, it’s inevitable that you will get caught in circuit breaker halts from time to time. That means it’s important to understand why halts happen, what causes them, and how to deal with them. Any stock in the market can get halted at any time. The two most […]
The Real Alan Greenspan – Past And Present

The Real Alan Greenspan – Past And Present

Regular readers are familiar with a quotation from Alan Greenspan, which has been used in a number of previous pieces, dating back to 1966: In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. Standing alone, the quote appears profound, perhaps even heroic, given the sea of paper-pushing, […]
Richmond Fed Manufacturing Activity Jumps Most Since April 2010, Biggest Change In 23 Years; What’s Going On?

Richmond Fed Manufacturing Activity Jumps Most Since April 2010, Biggest Change In 23 Years; What’s Going On?

Question of the Day When Atlanta Fed president Dennis Lockhart spoke yesterday of momentum, did he have advance notice of the Richmond Fed manufacturing data released today? I ask because today the Richmond region manufacturing index had the biggest change in 23 years of reporting. The Richmond Fed diffusion index reading of +22 blew well […]
How You Can Beat Wall Street In 15 Simple Steps

How You Can Beat Wall Street In 15 Simple Steps

I have misgivings about Wall Street. Perhaps you do too. For me, their short-term trading distorts the energy markets, almost beyond recognition. Indeed, the past year has shown clearly how disastrous such speculation can be. But there is a way to remedy this situation… You. As a normal investor with a balanced, long-term view, you can stabilize […]
Brexit 2016 British Pound Expectations | The Who, How & What

Brexit 2016 British Pound Expectations | The Who, How & What

Brexit 2016 British Pound Expectations Brussel’s bombing did not help with the Brexit risk. The UK is facing an uncertainty which could ultimately impact its economy: “Britain exiting the European Union” known as Brexit. Just in the anticipation of a potential Brexit 2016 British Pound is already dancing down to the beat of rumors. What […]