Markets In Review For The Close Of 1st Quarter 2016

The one thing about the model is that when you have a consistent system that is running on absolutely everything around the world, you can simply look at this dispassionately and just everything by the same standards. From gold, Euro, Canadian Dollar, Dax, and many other markets, we generally moved to Monthly and/or Quarterly Reversals and then stopped shy of electing them. This typically reflect the reactionary phase.

There was one noted exception; the Dow. The Dow is the blue-chip index that is the trophy investment for BIG INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL.  It did not make a new low as did the S&P500 and the Nasdaq. I have warned that the markets speak to us. Some wrote asking did the Dow have to make a new low. I stated that the answer was NO.  We accomplished our goal of breaking last year’s low to set the stage for a Sling-Shot move to the upside. The Dow was the ONLY real market to elect monthly and quarterly buy signals.

The market is trying to tell us; hey fool, this is not your typical scenario. All we are waiting for is everyone to wake up and smell the roses before the close the coffin. When the general public at large stop watching sports, guzzling beer, and just complaining and begin to get off their ass and say enough is enough, then we will see this shift from Public to Private.

Trump is the symptom, not the cause. He just shoots off his mouth wrongly assuming it is him that the people just love. But he is seriously wrong. Trump illustrates just how corrupt the system truly is for now we can visibly see how the Press treat him really negative at every possible moment. They have their marching orders from the establishment; stop giving him a free ride. The establishment is vowing not to support him even if he did win further demonstrating we are just the Great Unwashed and if the people really voted for Trump, they do not give a shit what the people want. This is their country and they rule and who are we to rise up. Sound familiar? Let them Eat Cake? Marie-Antoinette (bride of France’s King Louis XVI) supposedly sniffed, “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”“Let them eat cake.” With that callous remark, she became a hated symbol of the decadent monarchy and fueled the revolution that would cause her to (literally) lose her head several years later. While some argue she did not really say that, those were the words attributed to her by the people. She lost her head because of those words so it really does not matter if she really said them or meant them to that extent.


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