Last week two of my favorite data points came out: Payrolls & Trade.
Payrolls were a huge miss. Expectations were for 180,000+, but came in almost 50% lower (at 98,000). Automatic Data Processing (ADP) – a global leader in payroll processing – predicted 263,000.
(This is a huge egg on their face. And it should tell you to be wary of mainstream “experts.”)
Trade data was also bad.
The background to trade data has been that U.S. fracking reduced oil imports and boosted exports.
That also trickled into oil derivative products like plastics and chemicals. But when oil prices plunged, the value of all these plunged with it. When oil rose back up, so did the value.
To escape the distortion, it’s good to focus on the non-petroleum aspects of trade.
First of all, U.S. exports are dominated by two things: agriculture and autos.
But autos aren’t really exports: they are auto sub-assemblies that we ship to Mexico and Canada, where they become finished cars and get re-imported.
Drill-down into imports and you’ll see they were flat with two exceptions: a massive (~$2B) drop in smartphone imports and a massive drop in autos.
The smartphone import drop is one I’ve been predicting for a while. That’s just the tail-end of the wave that follows a new iPhone release.
The auto drop is extremely important though. Autos represent a lot of what’s wrong with the U.S. economy.