Americans who believe technology will be the cure for all our problems, don’t count on wind and solar energy to save the day. This is the delusion I see over and over again in the Mainstream and alternative media. I even receive emails from followers who tell me not to worry, because the cost of producing solar will continue to fall. Soon I gather, we will be on our way to driving or flying millions of electric cars, just like in the old cartoon, the Jetsons.
It would be nifty to be able to fly millions and millions of vehicles in the sky. No doubt, we don’t kill enough insects or animals like rabbits and deer on America’s interstates and highways, so why should the birds be left out of all the fun?? We shouldn’t allow the lousy plant and animal kingdom to get in the way of human ingenuity and progress…. who needs em.
Yes, I am being sarcastic, but progress and technology hasn’t stopped us from pushing to extinction between 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal every day. That’s correct… every 24 hours. As they say…. less of them, means MORE FOR US. However, we may have to start to worry a bit once we wipe out most of the pollinating insects, especially the bees. If the bees go, then so does our food supply.
But, we shan’t worry about that if our focus in life is to upgrade to the next I-phone or switch the U.S. Interstate Highway from running on oil to stylish electric cars manufactured by Tesla (TSLA). For those who are enamored by the wonderful “High-tech” stuff going on at Tesla Motors, please read the following article by Wolfstreet, What Tesla’s “Inexplicable” “Ponzi Scheme” Valuation Says about the Stock Market:
Hopefully with a little more work on that technology, Tesla Motors will finally become profitable some time in the future. However, I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one. This stock is a perfect indicator of what is fundamentally wrong with the broader markets. And that is…… they are totally INSANE.