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Recapping The Markets This Week

Recapping The Markets This Week

(Audio length 00:10:07) Doc and I recap the markets in terms of gold, gold stocks and the USD. We also address the consumer confidence numbers that are at levels not seen in 13 years. What does this mean for the markets? We think not a whole lot.
You Need To Know Why The Stock Market Barely Moves Anymore

You Need To Know Why The Stock Market Barely Moves Anymore

The stock market is barely moving anymore in any given day and you need to know why. Since November of last year going into the election, there hasn’t even been a 3% drawdown for the S&P 500 from it’s 52-week high. Most American investors now have the bulk of their money in stock market ETF’s […]
How Interest Rates Affect Real Estate Prices

How Interest Rates Affect Real Estate Prices

The profitability of rental properties in the US are affected by interest rates. Usually when a central bank decides to tighten monetary policy it slows down economic activities because businesses rely credit to grow. But for real estate investors a rising interest rate environment may be an opportunity to buy assets are a cheaper price. […]
5 Safe-Bet Utility Stocks Poised To Beat Q3 Earnings

5 Safe-Bet Utility Stocks Poised To Beat Q3 Earnings

With the Q3 earnings season kicking off, Utility companies are preparing to release their numbers in the next couple of weeks. Notably, the Zacks Utility sector gained 3% in the third quarter. Factors Boosting the Utilities A major factor which boosts the utility sector is that there exists no substitute for the energy-related services rendered by the […]
                        Market Briefing For Friday The 13th

E Market Briefing For Friday The 13th

Frazzled flipping to and fro characterized the market Thursday; within a pattern that was outlined as an overall up-down-up pattern (with nuances). I believe that sets us up for more downside, even if there is some hesitancy. Hesitancy is also an element of of an ‘exhaustion phase’ that I’ve described the past two weeks or […]
Inflation Still Isn’t About Inflation

Inflation Still Isn’t About Inflation

The US Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose back above 2% in September 2017 for the first time since April. Boosted yet again by energy prices, consumer prices overall still aren’t where the Fed needs them to be (by its own policies, not consumer reality). In fact, despite a 10.2% gain in the energy price index […]
The Endgame Of Financialization: Stealth Nationalization

The Endgame Of Financialization: Stealth Nationalization

This is the new model of nationalization: central banks control the valuation of private-sector assets without actually having to own them lock, stock and barrel. As you no doubt know, central banks don’t actually print money and toss it out of helicopters; they create a digital liability and use this new currency to buy assets such […]
General Dynamics: A Wide Moat Dividend Aristocrat With Double-Digit Payout Growth Potential

General Dynamics: A Wide Moat Dividend Aristocrat With Double-Digit Payout Growth Potential

With its 25th straight annual dividend increase, General Dynamics (GD) has finally joined the dividend aristocrats list here. However, even more impressive than the length of this streak is the torrid pace of payout growth GD investors have enjoyed. Specifically, the company has grown its dividend at 14.1% annually since 1992, helping General Dynamics’ shares nearly double […]
                        The World’s Economic Recovery Has Momentum, But Growth Is Still Is Subpar

E The World’s Economic Recovery Has Momentum, But Growth Is Still Is Subpar

The OECD provides one of the more authoritative international economic reviews. Although in its latest publication the global outlook has hardly changed from one prepared three months earlier, it is encouraging that most of the changes for the advanced economies were in a positive direction. Global GDP is currently expected to increase by around 3.5% […]
Emerging Markets: What Has Changed – Friday, October 13

Emerging Markets: What Has Changed – Friday, October 13

(from my colleague Dr. Win Thin)   In the EM equity space as measured by MSCI, Hungary (+2.8%), Qatar (+2.6%), and Taiwan (+2.5%) have outperformed this week, while Mexico (-1.3%), Egypt (-0.8%), and Colombia (-0.5%) have underperformed.  To put this in better context, MSCI EM rose 2.2% this week while MSCI DM rose 0.8%. In […]