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Stocks And Precious Metals Charts – To The Moon, Alice

Stocks And Precious Metals Charts – To The Moon, Alice

Stocks continued moving higher.  Where they’ll stop, nobody knows. Asia is rolling out the most new stocks in the US since the Alibaba IPO.  Making America great again. And the pundits know plenty of reasons why this is still a good time to buy. Permanent prosperity.  It’s all in your perspective. Have a pleasant weekend.
October 2017; ECRI’s WLI Growth Index Rate Expands Further

October 2017; ECRI’s WLI Growth Index Rate Expands Further

ECRI’s WLI Growth Index which forecasts economic growth six months forward remains in expansion. This is compared to RecessionAlerts similar weekly leading index. Analyst Opinion of the trends of the weekly leading indices Both ECRI’s and RecessionAlerts indices are indicating modest growth six months from today. Current ECRI WLI Level and Growth Index: Here is […]
Markets Rally As U.S. Takes Step Toward Tax Reform

Markets Rally As U.S. Takes Step Toward Tax Reform

Video Length: 00:05:35 On today’s edition of Market Week in Review, Rob Cittadini, director, Americas institutional, and Paul Eitelman, senior investment strategist, discussed the latest developments around tax reform in the U.S., including the impact on financial markets. Approval of 2018 budget plan boosts U.S. tax reform efforts Thursday night, the U.S. Senate passed a […]
One Of The Most Overbought Markets In History

One Of The Most Overbought Markets In History

The Dow is trading at one of its most overbought levels in history. At 87.61, its 14-day RSI is higher than 99.999% of historical readings going back to 1900. Out of 30,914 trading days, that’s good for top 10 all-time. Sell everything? If only it were that simple. Going back to 1900, the evidence suggests that such […]
Why Doesn’t The Normal P/E In The Historical Graph Match The Normal P/E In The Forecasting Graph?

Why Doesn’t The Normal P/E In The Historical Graph Match The Normal P/E In The Forecasting Graph?

The earnings and price correlated historical graph (the main graph) includes forecasting data when you are running timeframes. In contrast, the “Historical” normal P/E ratio forecasting calculator is utilizing only completed historical data. Therefore, in order to get the same normal P/E ratio on both the main graph and the forecasting graph, you have to […]
                        The Euro Area’s Economy Continues To Improve, Though There Is Still Considerable Economic Slack

E The Euro Area’s Economy Continues To Improve, Though There Is Still Considerable Economic Slack

The euro-area economy strengthened in the second quarter as more of its member countries joined into the recovery. The 2.6% annualized rate of expansion in the second quarter was supported by continued growth in Germany (2.5% growth), the region’s largest economy, and the strongest Spanish performance in almost two years (3.5% growth). Indeed, after years […]
Bitcoin: The Extreme Anomaly

Bitcoin: The Extreme Anomaly

After plunging to 3000 six weeks ago, Bitcoin snapped back and reached 6000+ today (a 100% increase during that time), as shown on the following Monthly chart, and, as noted in my last post (originally written on September 4th and updated periodically, with comments and charts, to, and including, today). What strikes me as extraordinary is to see the percentage gained Year-to-date of Bitcoin compared to the U.S. Major Indices, […]
4 Industrial Mutual Funds To Buy As Output Recovers

4 Industrial Mutual Funds To Buy As Output Recovers

Industrial production bounced back last month after two consecutive months of decline, following an increase in factory production. The rebound sustained the flow of encouraging economic data in September. Decline in the impact of hurricanes Harvey and Irma in September and recovery in utilities and construction gave a boost to last month’s industrial output. Given […]
Institutions Are Selling To Retail Investors At An Unprecedented Pace

Institutions Are Selling To Retail Investors At An Unprecedented Pace

According to the latest EPFR fund flow data compiled by BofA’s Michael Hartnett, the great “institutional to equity” stockholding rotation is accelerating, with another $8.8bn allocated to equities, more than all of it from retail investors, and another $5.8bn going into bonds, offset by a $0.4bn outflows from gold. Ironically, the one place where active investors are […]
No Account

No Account

It has been an unbelievably busy week on many fronts. Overshadowed by Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Austrian elections was continued “dollar” deterioration in FX. Further down the line than that, though in many respects related to it, was the UK government announcing the disappearance of half a trillion pounds. The news didn’t make much imprint in America, but it […]