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Goldman’s Commodity Revenue Plunges 75% To All-Time Low

Goldman’s Commodity Revenue Plunges 75% To All-Time Low

 Well, if you were waiting on signs that Goldman is on the verge of turning things around in its struggling commodities unit, you might have to wait a little longer because Bloomberg just reported that according to “people familiar with the matter”, commodities revenues for 2017 plunged 75% to the lowest on record. jesus. *GOLDMAN […]
Morgan Stanley: “We Have Entered The Late Cycle Euphoria Stage”

Morgan Stanley: “We Have Entered The Late Cycle Euphoria Stage”

This morning, we published the latest commentary by Chris Metli, the executive director of Morgan Stanley’s institutional Quantitative and Derivative Strategies group, who made the case that while pitching hedges when the market is in the middle of a blow off top is a tough sell, that’s exactly what traders should be doing, listing three […]
Q4 2017 Market Recap: Bitcoin, Tax Reform & Bull Markets

Q4 2017 Market Recap: Bitcoin, Tax Reform & Bull Markets

2017 was a year full of headlines: the second-longest bull market of the last 100 years; a new Fed Chairman in Q4; Bitcoin and cryptocurrency; sweeping tax reform… What did this mean for all of us? The S&P 500 When it came to the markets, the S&P 500’s 22% return ranked 30th best since 1926, […]
Bullish Setups For This Historic Rally

Bullish Setups For This Historic Rally

It has been decades since we have seen a start to a new year this strong.  How long a rally of this size and of this proportion can last, is unbeknownst to me! What I do know, is that you have to keep trading it until the trend ends. Until there is a shift in […]
Bitcoin’s Legality Around The World – MAP

Bitcoin’s Legality Around The World – MAP

Written by HowMuch Bitcoin’s popularity has increased exponentially over the past year, as cryptocurrency continues to go mainstream. However, not everyone is excited and optimistic about Bitcoin. Several governments have stepped in recently, as Bitcoin’s popularity and market cap have impacted fiat currency valuations. Feeling threatened with a lack of understanding of cryptocurrencies, some countries have gone […]
Is Morgan Stanley A Better Q4 Earnings Pick Than Goldman?

Is Morgan Stanley A Better Q4 Earnings Pick Than Goldman?

Investors usually attach a greater degree of importance to investment banks compared to their plain vanilla counterparts. Yet, as earnings season heats up, it would not be out of place to point out that their troubles seem to mimic those of the wider banking sector. Goldman Sachs’ fourth-quarter 2017 results are likely to reflect a […]
Is General Electric Company (GE) A Good Stock To Buy Right Now?

Is General Electric Company (GE) A Good Stock To Buy Right Now?

Is General Electric Company a good stock to buy right now? After its toughest year since the financial crisis, General Electric Company (NYSE: GE) is off to a great start to the new year. After dropping a whopping 45 percent in 2017 the company is now experiencing an apparent turn-around with a 9 percent increase […]
CSX Earnings Preview

CSX Earnings Preview

CSX Corporation (CSX) is set to report quarterly earnings after hours. Analysts expect revenue of $2.89 billion and EPS of $0.56. The revenue estimate implies a 5% decline Y/Y. Investors should focus on the following key items. CSX Is Still Highly Sensitive To Coal Rail traffic was on a tear in the first half of […]
Davos 2018: Restoring faith in globalisation

Davos 2018: Restoring faith in globalisation

Every year, more than 2,000 of the world’s wealthiest and best-connected individuals converge on the tiny mountain resort of Davos to discuss, debate and hopefully resolve some of the most important issues facing our planet. In January 2018, the World Economic Forum will host its 48th annual meeting, in a world that has changed markedly […]
S&P Slumps Into Red As Options Skew Hits Record Low

S&P Slumps Into Red As Options Skew Hits Record Low

Traders have never paid more to place levered long bets relative to downside protection in US equity markets… perhaps that was the final straw on the endless-bull-market-camel’s back… After all that excitement at the open – Dow 26k and nothing can stop me now… Things have gone a lighter shade of pale red with all but […]