Unsplash GDP per capita, consumption per capita, disposable income per capita, unemployment, economic policy uncertainty, VIX, and Misery Index — plus median household income. Figure 1: GDP per capita now (blue), and four years ago (tan), both in bn.Ch.2017$ SAAR. Source: BEA.Figure 2: Consumption per capita now (blue), four years ago (tan), in 2017$ SAAR. Source: BEA.Figure 3: Disposable personal income per capita now (blue), four years ago (tan), in 2017$ SAAR. Source: BEA.Figure 4: Unemployment rate now (blue), four years ago (tan), in %. April observation is Bloomberg consensus. Source: BLS. Figure 5: VIX now (blue), four years ago (tan). Source: CBOE via FRED.Figure 6: Economic Policy Uncertainty index (blue), four years ago (tan). Source: Policyuncertainty.com via FRED.Figure 7: Misery index now (blue), four years ago (tan), in %. April observation of unemployment is Bloomberg consensus, inflation is from Cleveland Fed nowcast as of 4/30/2024. Source: BLS, Cleveland Fed, and author’s calculations.I don’t have a time series for real median household income index, but I can compare the March 2024 value to February 2020 (which Motio research indicates is the likely peak) value of 115.8.Source: Motio Research.I’d say, by these measures, the answer is “yes”, even using median income.More By This Author:Confidence, Sentiment, And News In April: Some Time Series Four Measures Of The Output Gap And Measuring Trends U.S. Oil Production In 2023, Net Exports Of Petroleum Products Through 2024Q1