Our Earnings Screener is a ridiculously useful tool for tracking corporate earnings reports and stock price reactions to the reports. One thing the Screener can do is find aggregate earnings trends. Today we wanted to see how stocks that have reported earnings thus far in March have reacted to their reports. As shown below, using the Screener, we found that 254 stocks have reported earnings so far in March, and on average they have gained 1.17% on their earnings reaction days.(For stocks that report in the morning before the open, we use that day’s change as its earnings reaction day. For stocks that report after the close, we use the next day’s change as its earnings reaction day.
Stocks that have reported earnings so far this month have reacted very positively with an average gain of +1.17% on their earnings reaction days. The March numbers look even better when you compare them to the average performance over the past year.
As shown below, there were 10,869 earnings reports between 3/1/17 and 3/1/18. On average, these stocks fell 0.14% on their earnings reaction days. (This is surprising given how strong the broad market was during this period.)