The dragon dance is a customary way to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
We all know what dragons breathe-FIRE!
Furthermore, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
Plus, as the element this year of the brown earth dog is water, bulls now have to hope its enough water to put out the fire, rather than just enough water to create steam.
Here are just a few of today’s fires:
The Year of the Brown Earth Dog brings many warnings from several Chinese astrologers. I have written about these in earlier Daily posts.
Yesterday I asked, “Is this a good time for active investors to settle up and go to cash?” Today, I ask the same question, only with different answers.
At the sake of repetition, the biggest warnings are twofold.
First, the water element and the prediction of starting in October, a 5-year bear market.
Secondly, that President Trump is born the Year of the Fire Dog, hence, he could have a huge impact on world events that shake up the market.
Today, the dollar’s weakness, along with the pop in rates, is not exactly the inflationary setup I expected.
Rather, it reflects the fear that we saw in the rise of volatility and gold.
However, I had affirmation on both stagnation and/or stagflation today from 2 pretty smart men.