Recent Stock Purchase – May 2015

With the market continuing on its general upward trajectory it has become clear that finding those great stock deals are becoming more and more elusive. Sure, there are some financial or industrial names that stand out but for the most part nothing really compelling is hitting home.

It’s no surprise then that the chatter among many of the dividend bloggers has shifted to focus attention towards REITs. Of course, this is for good reason as bond yields and Fed interest rate ‘noise’ continues to flood the airwaves prompting a pretty decent sell off in the REITs sector which is very sensitive to interest rate fluctuations.

In my recent May Stock Considerations post I had mentioned that I was not looking to initiate any new positions for the month but rather focus on what was already in my portfolio. As many long time readers know, that typically meant an investment in TD, BNS or RY. But with the recent climb in the Canadian banks over the last couple of months I have found their value to be a little less compelling at current levels. While still on my potential buy list they have moved down as my top picks for the month of May. With that being said, I shifted my attention to the REIT sector and have a bought the following.

I have added to my IRA account 7.0572 shares at $70.85 for a total investment of $500 in Health Care REIT, Inc. (HCN). With this recent purchase my IRA account holdings in HCN now totals 14.0564 shares for a value of $1,000.11.

I have added to my IRA account 12.7529 shares at $39.21 for a total investment of $500 in HCP, Inc. (HCP). With this recent purchase my IRA account holdings in HCP now totals 25.3578 shares for a value of $996.31.

I have added to my IRA account 7.3163 shares at $68.07 for a total investment of $498 in Ventas, Inc. (VTR). With this recent purchase my IRA account holdings in VTR now totals 14.6822 shares for a value of $1,000.89.


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