Forex Strength And Comparison September 2017

In the Currency Strength table, the EUR was the strongest currency while the GBP was again the weakest. There were some significant changes last month with the CHF gaining 3 points, the CAD 2 points, while the NZD lost 4 points. The other currencies remained around the same level of last month with a maximum change in the strength of just 1 point. There were several Classification changes last month and these are discussed in more detail in this article.

12 Months Currency Score Strength

The 12 Months Currency Strength and the 12 Months Average are provided here below. This data and the “12 months Currency Classification” are considered for deciding on the preferred range. Because it is not ideal nor desired to change the range for a currency every single month, we perform several checks to avoid this.

  • First of all the strength over a period of the last 12 months is considered. See each row for more information.
  • Next, the 12 months average is considered, see the last row called “Avg. 12 M.”
  • The number of months that a currency was stronger than another currency can also be considered.
  • The Technical Analysis (TA) Charts for each Time Frame could also be consulted.

    Average 12 M. Score

    When looking at the Average 12 M. Score we can see the currencies grouped together according to their classification. There may be some doubt and in that case it may be a currency that can change of classification in the coming months. The AUD, EUR and CAD changed classification last month.

  • Strong – We can see that the USD, AUD and NZD are clearly grouped together as Strong currencies around an Average 12 M. Score of 5,5.
  • Neutral – The EUR, JPY, CAD and CHF are grouped together around an Average 12 M. Score of 4.
  • Weak – The GBP is around an Average 12 M. Score of 2,5.
  • The USD is the strongest currency but is showing in the last 4 months Scores in the range of Neutral and Weak currencies. The NZD had just one month of weakness and remains strong. The AUD changed classification from Neutral to Strong after showing a good performance in the last 3 months.

    The CHF and JPY remain Neutral currencies and keep showing monthly Scores in that range also. The EUR and CAD have changed classification from Weak to Neutral after showing a very good performance lately. Especially the EUR with 3 times a Score of 8 in the last 4 months.
    The only Weak currency is at the moment the GBP. The gap between this currency and the nearest currency, the CHF having 4 points, is 1,4 points which is significant considering the range from 1 to 8 and the Score of the GBP being 2,5833.

    Classification review

    This month we take a look at the Classification changes. As can be seen in the chart the EUR gained a lot of strength in the last 4 months. However, coming from being a Weak currency it is now having a Classification of a Neutral currency.
    The CAD was also a Weak currency but the performance in the last 3 months made this currency become Neutral.
    The AUD remained strong for a long time and had just 3 low Scores below 4 in the last 12 months. For that reason, it was a Neutral currency lately but recovered again in the last 3 months and is now a Strong currency. 
    Below you can see the Monthly Currency Score Chart with the 24 months’ data as a reference.


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