Michael Noonan: Gold & Silver – The Elites Have Decimated The Country

TDC Note – Be sure and catch one of my first interviews, with the one and only Michael Noonan, from June 2014 – LINK

I like both gold and silver. Both have been money, real money, depending on who you ask, for anywhere from four to six thousand years. When people say something like, “that’s stood the test of time.” they should be referring to gold and silver as both have certainly stood the test of time. Ask the average person on the street if they would even accept, for free, a one ounce gold coin and most will turn it down as they have no idea what it is or what purpose it serves.

Today we use fiat dollars or pieces of plastic to conduct commerce. The pieces of paper were the first step in disconnecting people from silver and gold and began the transformation from what money is to what is accepted as money. Silver, the peoples money, is less understood than gold even though silver as money was in use far longer than gold.

The United States is pretty much done, you can stick a fork in this country, it is done, it is past tense. It is a hollowed out representation of what it used to be and the elites have pretty much decimated the country. They’re currently doing the same thing with Europe, they’re creating havoc. – Problem, reaction, solution. Michael Noonan

Michael Noonan, Edge Trader Plus and I take a look at the relationship of gold to world currencies on the surface one can see a complete disconnect. There are no gold backed currencies in use today. However, if we look at what some of the central banks around the world are doing we something quiet different happening. A lot of the Asian central banks, Vietnam, China, Thailand, Mongolia, to name but a few, are acquiring gold, lots of gold. The question becomes, why? If gold is not being used as currency why would a central bank, the banks that supply currency to the country they occupy, be acquiring gold? What purpose could this acquisition serve?


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