Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

Cooling Trade Tensions Push Stock Markets Higher

Cooling Trade Tensions Push Stock Markets Higher

Stock markets were up higher in Monday’s pre-hour trading after a disastrous performance last week. The S&P 500 gained 50 points, or 1.9% to 2,637. The Nasdaq Composite Index climbed to 7,136 after gaining 144 points, or 2.1%. The Dow gained 494 points, or 2% to 23,959. The performance of the three indices last week was […]
Bullish Watch-List For The Bounce And Holiday Week

Bullish Watch-List For The Bounce And Holiday Week

Ideally, I would have preferred to of opened lower this morning and then rallied hard off the lows.  But such was not the case as the market has been rallying since the futures opened up last night.  I came into the day 100% cash.  My goal was to get long, fast. I did that. But […]
2nd Half Of 2018 Should See An Economic Rebound

2nd Half Of 2018 Should See An Economic Rebound

GDP Growth Is Probably Weak In Q1 It appears by most accounts Q1 2018 won’t be a great quarter for GDP growth. Keep in mind, the expectations have been high because of the tax cut and subsequent fiscal spending increase. The latest $1.3 trillion budget, which was passed on Friday, has an $80 billion increase in […]
S&P 500 Average Daily Change Ticking Up Towards 1%

S&P 500 Average Daily Change Ticking Up Towards 1%

In case you haven’t noticed the pick-up in market volatility lately, the chart below does a good job of highlighting it.In the chart, we show the average absolute daily change that the S&P 500 has experienced over the last 50 trading days. As shown, after hitting a multi-decade low of just +/-0.22% in mid-November 2017, […]
Weak Eurozone And US Economic Data For Q1

Weak Eurozone And US Economic Data For Q1

With all the potential trade war talk it is important to not miss the recent data out of the Eurozone and upcoming Q1 numbers from the US. Marc Chandler, Head of Global Currency Strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman points out that Q1 is looking like another slow start to the year. Forecasts for Q1 GDP […]
PetroYuan Is A Huge US Success Story, Not A Chinese One

PetroYuan Is A Huge US Success Story, Not A Chinese One

Ignore the hype about the death of the dollar and currency whales. The PetroYuan is a US success story. Bloomberg reports As Trade War Heats Up, Biggest Currency Whales Make Their Move. “A lot of countries around the world are turning to Europe for increased partnership in trade,’’ said Jens Nordvig, who was Wall Street’s top-ranked […]
Apple Has Plenty To Lose In Potential Trade War With China

Apple Has Plenty To Lose In Potential Trade War With China

from — this post authored by Felix Richter Having announced tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, the Trump administration is reportedly getting ready to has hit China with more tariffs in response to the country’s alleged intellectual property theft. According to people familiar with the matter cited by Reuters, Trump aims to impose tariffs on Chinese goods worth […]
February 2018 CFNAI Super Index Moving Average Significantly Improves

February 2018 CFNAI Super Index Moving Average Significantly Improves

The economy’s rate of growth jumped based on the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) 3 month moving (3MA) average – and the economic growth remains above the historical trend rate of growth. Analyst Opinion of the CFNAI This Month The single month index which is not used for economic forecasting which unfortunately is what […]
Facebook Is Not Worth $169

Facebook Is Not Worth $169

Yes or no. Will Facebook (FB) face permanent fundamental damage based on its current Cambridge Analytica news? My verdict? No. Like most things, the media is blowing this out of proportion for the sake of clicks and views. The sole purpose of a media outlet is to attract eyeballs, and as they do so often, […]
Record Treasury Supply Sees Mediocre Demand For 2Y Auction As Yield Jumps

Record Treasury Supply Sees Mediocre Demand For 2Y Auction As Yield Jumps

Having sold $96BN in 3 and 6-Month bills earlier today, the Treasury also sold another $30BN in 2Y Notes, bringing the total sold for the day to $126BN, and almost hitting the midpoint of this week’s record $294BN in Treasury issuance. And, contrary to speculation by various commentators that there may not be enough demand […]