Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

March 2018: ECRI’s WLI Growth Index Rate Continues To Slow

March 2018: ECRI’s WLI Growth Index Rate Continues To Slow

ECRI’s WLI Growth Index which forecasts economic growth six months forward remains in expansion. Analyst Opinion of the trends of the weekly leading indices This index is indicating modest growth six months from today. Here is this week’s update on ECRI’s Weekly Leading Index (note – a positive number indicates growth): Weekly Leading Index Edges […]
US National Debt Hits $21 Trillion

US National Debt Hits $21 Trillion

For 8 years, we took every opportunity to point out that under Barack Obama’s administration, US debt was rising at an alarmingly rapid rate, having nearly doubled, surging by $9.3 trillion during Obama’s 8 years. It now appears that the trajectory of US debt under the Trump administration will be no different, and in fact based […]
Johnson & Johnson: A Dividend King Worth Owning

Johnson & Johnson: A Dividend King Worth Owning

There are many stocks that are beloved by income focused investors, one group of those are the so called Dividend Aristocrats — companies that have raised their payout for at least 25 years in a row. An even more elite group of companies are the Dividend Kings, companies that have raised their dividend for at […]
Crypto Charting: 5 More Charts On The Outlook For Bitcoin Prices

Crypto Charting: 5 More Charts On The Outlook For Bitcoin Prices

In response to a couple of client queries, we’ve slowly built up some indicators for this still very nascent market. This article follows on from a previous piece we did charting the rise of Bitcoin. While that article focused more on putting things into perspective, today’s article looks at some timing/tactical indicators that draw on analytical […]
US Industry Experiences The Full 2014 Again In February

US Industry Experiences The Full 2014 Again In February

In February 2018, it was like old times for the US industrial sectors. Prior to the 2015-16 downturn, the otherwise moribund economy did produce two genuine booms. The first in the auto sector, the other in energy. Without them, who knows what the no-recovery recovery would have looked like. They were for the longest time […]
S&P 500 Snapshot: Down 1.24% From Last Week, Rising Trade Tensions

S&P 500 Snapshot: Down 1.24% From Last Week, Rising Trade Tensions

Rising trade tensions contributed to this week’s decline. The S&P 500 closed Friday above Thursday’s close, but fell 1.24% from last week. The index is up 2.08% YTD and is 4.2% below its record close. The U.S. Treasury puts the closing yield on the 10-year note at 2.85%. Here is a daily chart of the […]
Treasury Yield Convergence: When Might Perfect Flatness Arrive?

Treasury Yield Convergence: When Might Perfect Flatness Arrive?

Despite much ballyhoo over yield curve steepening, the chart shows significant flattening process is still underway. At the current rate, the US treasury yield curve will achieve perfect flatness in mid-2019. That’s what the long-term trend on the long-side, coupled with a shorter-term trend on the short-side suggests. The convergence point is approximately 2.72% in […]
Stocks And Precious Metals Charts – And The Love Of Most Will Grow Cold

Stocks And Precious Metals Charts – And The Love Of Most Will Grow Cold

There seems to be a crescendo of corruption and a storm of deceitfulness rising all around us. How we react to these trials of the day will determine many things, not the least of which is the choice of whom we will serve, whether we realize it or not. Be wary of the stories being […]
Market Talk – Friday, March 16

Market Talk – Friday, March 16

A mixed shop for Asian indices with most playing either side of unchanged for much of the day. The Nikkei opened with a small gain but was again soon under pressure as continued trade war fears and US political concerns with the news that the US Special Council Robert Muller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization […]