Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

Short Setups I Am Watching

Short Setups I Am Watching

The key word is “watching”, because I haven’t pulled the trigger on any of them.  And with the market rallying hard today, what incentive is there to trade any of them at this moment?  Instead, as has been the case for nearly all of 2017, I will continue to watch these setups, and only short […]
Lira Plunges As Mystery Gold Trader Exposes “Secret” Turkish Deal To Evade Washington’s “Economic Jihad”

Lira Plunges As Mystery Gold Trader Exposes “Secret” Turkish Deal To Evade Washington’s “Economic Jihad”

We detailed below that TRY was selling off on US accusations that the Turkish economic minister of taking bribes. Citi’s FX desk explains why Turkish markets are watching the US trial of a banker so closely. The basics: The US government has accused Turkish banker Mehmet Hakan Atilla of helping Iran evade US sanctions. Turkey’s former economy […]
Regional Fed Manufacturing Overview: November Update

Regional Fed Manufacturing Overview: November Update

Five out of the twelve Federal Reserve Regional Districts currently publish monthly data on regional manufacturing: Dallas, Kansas City, New York, Richmond, and Philadelphia. Regional manufacturing surveys are a measure of local economic health and are used as a representative for the larger national manufacturing health. They have been used as a signal for business uncertainty and […]
Fed Unwind And Gold

Fed Unwind And Gold

The Federal Reserve’s unwinding program started in October. What does it mean for the gold market? Last month, the U.S. central bank began reducing its massive balance sheet. Many analysts and investors worried that the so-called reverse quantitative easing would disrupt financial markets. The logic behind these concerns was simple: as quantitative easing supported asset prices, its […]
The Most Active Equity Options And Strikes For Midday – Tuesday, Nov. 28

The Most Active Equity Options And Strikes For Midday – Tuesday, Nov. 28

 Top tickers for midday – F, BAC, AAPL, ETFC, NWL, LC.  
Are We In A Bull Or A Bear Market In Precious Metals – Two Misleading Charts

Are We In A Bull Or A Bear Market In Precious Metals – Two Misleading Charts

Precious metals flows data, delivered by popular gold/silver ETFs, can be very misleading. For example, look at these two charts: iShares Gold Trust (IAU) Source: Simple Digressions and the IAU data The chart shows gold flows reported by IAU. The red line depicts cumulative flows calculated for the period January 1 – November 27, 2017. […]
                        The Digital World Challenges Central Bankers

E The Digital World Challenges Central Bankers

Central bankers have been greatly puzzled by low inflation, despite their valiant efforts to stimulate growth by expansionist monetary policy. Initially, bankers referred to the low inflation numbers as “transitory” and “noisy”, implying that patience is needed to reach inflation targets. Slowly, bankers are admitting that weak inflation may not be transitory and that other, […]
You Know It’s Late In The Cycle When The Yield Curve Starts Generating Headlines

You Know It’s Late In The Cycle When The Yield Curve Starts Generating Headlines

The yield curve is one of those indicators that most people have heard of but few can explain. In part this is because it’s usually a non-issue, only becoming important enough to argue about during the final year of long expansions. Like now: Yield curve flattening maintains relentless momentum (MarketWarch) – The yield curve flattened […]
Bitcoin Vs. Dot-Com Bubble: You Are Here

Bitcoin Vs. Dot-Com Bubble: You Are Here

There have been no shortage of attempts to compare the meteoric rise of Bitcoin (and cryptocurrencies more generally) to the dot-com boom/bust. Critics of the crypto craze will tell you that what we’re seeing in the space mirrors the euphoria that ultimately ended in tears in 2000. Proponents will argue that betting against Bitcoin is […]
Bitcoin Is Like The Tech Bubble: It Could Run Higher

Bitcoin Is Like The Tech Bubble: It Could Run Higher

Bitcoin Is Skyrocketing The biggest story of the day, which was on most investors’ minds, was the rally in bitcoin. The fact that this was such a major story even though most people in finance don’t have a large stake in the currency shows how remarkable the rally has been. As you can see from […]