Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

Consumer Confidence Can’t Be Shaken By North Korea

Consumer Confidence Can’t Be Shaken By North Korea

US consumer confidence rose for the 4th straight month and posted its second highest reading in the last 16 years. The Conference Board said its consumer confidence index increased to a reading of 122.9 in August which was above expectations. US consumers remain upbeat thanks to the strong stock market, rising real estate prices and a […]
Change Your Behavior To Make Money

Change Your Behavior To Make Money

We have a weekly swing forming on the NDX today. That would be another sign that the ICL is over. Video Length: 00:07:48
Forecasts Of The Stock Market Correction And Gold

Forecasts Of The Stock Market Correction And Gold

Some analysts expect the stock market crash or even recession in the near future. Are they right? And how it would affect the gold market? The elevated valuations of equities (see the chart below) make some investors worried about the sustainability of the current bull market. Indeed, the Shiller P/E ratio is currently about 30, […]
Billion Dollar Unicorns: Newly Public Redfin Wants To Be The Amazon Of Real Estate

Billion Dollar Unicorns: Newly Public Redfin Wants To Be The Amazon Of Real Estate

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the aggregate value of existing US home sales in 2016 was approximately $1.5 trillion. Researchers estimate that 5.5 million transactions were conducted for these homes by over 2 million active listing agents and more than 85,000 real estate brokerages. Overall, these agents would have earned more than $75 […]
Dollar No Longer Fearful Of Geopolitical Risks

Dollar No Longer Fearful Of Geopolitical Risks

The US dollar is continuing its recovery against its competitors during the European session. As North Korea falls silent on its threats of ballistic missile launches, the dollar is well on its way to recovering all of its losses. The euro/dollar pair has fallen to 1.1927, while the euro/pound has dropped to 0.9231. The pound/dollar […]
Second Estimate 2Q2017 GDP Growth Improves To 3.0 %

Second Estimate 2Q2017 GDP Growth Improves To 3.0 %

The second estimate of second quarter 2017 Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was increased to a positive 3.0 % from the advance estimate’s 2.6 %. Year-over-year growth was also increased from the advance estimate. Analyst Opinion of GDP The consumer spending improved, but the real improvement came from using a lower inflation deflator. I am not a […]
BEA Revises 2nd Quarter 2017 GDP Growth Upward To 3.04% – Wednesday, August 30

BEA Revises 2nd Quarter 2017 GDP Growth Upward To 3.04% – Wednesday, August 30

In their second estimate of the US GDP for the second quarter of 2017, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported that the US economy was growing at a +3.04% annual rate, up +0.48% from their previous estimate and up +1.80% from the prior quarter.  Consumer spending was revised upward to a +2.27% annualized growth rate (up […]
WTI/RBOB Algos Undecided After Gasoline Build, Production Dip

WTI/RBOB Algos Undecided After Gasoline Build, Production Dip

RBOB gasoline is at a 25-month high (and WTI has a $45 handle) as all attention is focused on the duration and impact of the storm (i.e. how long refineries will be closed?). Inventory and Production data this week will be of limited help to traders as it occurred before Harvey struck but API confirmed the […]
5 Excellent Value Stocks Based On Low PEG Ratio

5 Excellent Value Stocks Based On Low PEG Ratio

The popularity of value investing is on the rise. The success of billionaire value investors like Warren Buffett further underscores the fact. Per a July Motley Fool article, over the past 50 years, his conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway’s stock has yielded a compound annual return of 20.8%. This indicates that an investment of $10,000 in 1965 […]
S&P 500 Index: A Single Day Beats The Entire Week!

S&P 500 Index: A Single Day Beats The Entire Week!

Many market participants believe simple phenomena in the stock market are purely random events and cannot recur consistently. Indeed, there is probably no stock market rule that will remain valid forever. However, there continue to be stock market phenomena – even quite simple ones – that tend to persist for very long time periods. What […]