Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

EURUSD Looks To Resume Short Term Uptrend

EURUSD Looks To Resume Short Term Uptrend

EURUSD:  Having taken back its Monday losses to close higher on Tuesday, EURUSD looks to resume short term uptrend triggered from the 1.0521 level. While the 1.0829/1.0796 zone continues to hold as support, the pair should build up on the mentioned short term uptrend. On the upside, resistance lies at the 1.0950 levels where a […]
Chart Of The Day: Crude Crashes To $36 Handle—OPEC Was All Priced In, Not!

Chart Of The Day: Crude Crashes To $36 Handle—OPEC Was All Priced In, Not!

Charts Show The Truth About Bernanke’s Abject Failure

Charts Show The Truth About Bernanke’s Abject Failure

In November 2010, Ben Bernanke wrote the following words in the Washington Post in seeking to justify his decision to renew Quantitative Easing. He started by giving credit to the first round of QE for spurring the initial recovery. It was as if the US economy had never recovered from recessions before without some kind […]
Global Trade Confirmations; Economy As Finance

Global Trade Confirmations; Economy As Finance

China’s trade estimates continue the trend of the global economy pushing closer to recession, assuming that it is not already there. We know that the lower part of the global supply chain below Chinese manufacturing and assembly, the resources and materials flow, has already been pushed beyond simple recession in some places, like Brazil, into […]
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts – It’s A Small World After All

SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts – It’s A Small World After All

US stocks slumped hard this morning on the overnight news which was posted here that the Chinese import/export figures for November were simply awful. If Chinese exports were down sharply, what does that say about US domestic demand and likely retail sales? Let’s see if the US can strike a trend here ahead of the […]
Get This Health Care Analyst’s Take On The Drug Pricing Debate And Biotech Picks For 2016

Get This Health Care Analyst’s Take On The Drug Pricing Debate And Biotech Picks For 2016

This week we are pleased to be joined by our friend Joe McCann, founder of Slingshot Insights. In this episode, Leigh and Joe weigh in on the current debate over inflated drug pricing (starts at 3:23), discuss updates to the Martin Shkreli story, the disgraced CEO of Turig Pharmaceuticals that kicked off this whole controversy […]
The “American Dream” Is Over—And Voters Know It

The “American Dream” Is Over—And Voters Know It

Despite a ceaseless propaganda campaign declaring all is well with the U.S. economy, the Status Quo is fragile–and voters know it. Not only do they know the economy–and their financial security–is one crisis away from meltdown, they’re also fed up with all the official gerrymandering of data to make the economy appear healthy. The Economy Is […]
Investors Walking Dead

Investors Walking Dead

Another day and weaker economic data. The consistency of poor economic reports is enough to turn investors away from markets overall. The NIFB Small Business Confidence report fell to 94.8 vs 96 expected & prior 96.1; Retailer’s Redbook fell YoY to only 1.9% vs prior 3.9% (Tis the season for a better reading, right?); JOLTS […]
Further Selling—But Markets Rangebound

Further Selling—But Markets Rangebound

It will rank as another distribution day for markets, but despite a second day of selling bears were unable to erase Friday’s big bullish bonanza for Large Cap and Tech indices. The only index to suggest bears are gaining some form of control is the Russell 2000. Today saw the trendline connecting September and November […]
Netflix: “We Don’t Believe You… You Need More People”

Netflix: “We Don’t Believe You… You Need More People”

The culprit for Netflix’s (NASDAQ:NFLX) recent fall was the company’s underwhelming domestic subscriber growth. Domestic and international subscribers were up Q/Q by 2.1% and 11.8%, respectively. The performance was consistent with that of Q2 2015 where domestic and international subscribers grew Q/Q by 2.1% and 11.4%, respectively. Netflix Needs More People Management’s rationale for the […]