Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

CONSOL Energy E&P Division A Respite From Weak Coal

CONSOL Energy E&P Division A Respite From Weak Coal

On Nov 12, we issued an updated research report on CONSOL Energy Inc. (CNX – Analyst Report). CONSOL’s emphasis on natural gas assets is yielding results with increasing revenue contribution coming from its E&P division. However, dependence on a limited group of customers for bulk sales and inherent risks associated with underground mining are headwinds. CONSOL Energy reported a […]
                        Celgene: A Primer On Growth Stock Value Investing (GARP): Part 2

EC Celgene: A Primer On Growth Stock Value Investing (GARP): Part 2

This article is the second in a two-part series on applying the principles of value investing.In part 1 found here my primary focus was on the benefits of investing in fundamentally strong dividend growth stocks when they are out of favor, and therefore, undervalued as a result. In this part 2, I will be turning my attention […]
Australian Dollar Rebound May Stall On FOMC Minutes, US CPI

Australian Dollar Rebound May Stall On FOMC Minutes, US CPI

The Australian Dollar mounted a spirited recovery last week after an impressively strong set of employment figures crossed the wires. The economy added a net 58.6k jobs in October, dwarfing economists’ forecasts calling for a 15k increase and producing the largest monthly increase in since March 2012. The jobless rate dropped to 5.9 percent, the […]
Goldman’s Clients Are Suddenly Very Worried About Collapsing Market Breadth

Goldman’s Clients Are Suddenly Very Worried About Collapsing Market Breadth

Three days ago, just before the biggest market drop in weeks, we wrote an article attempting to answer “when does the market breakdown again” where we said the answer is in the advance-decline line…. … for one reason:the absolute collapse in market breadth had become the biggest threat to the rally since late September. BofA noted […]
Bank Stock Roundup: M&A Dominates; Bank Of The Ozarks, BB&T In Focus

Bank Stock Roundup: M&A Dominates; Bank Of The Ozarks, BB&T In Focus

The positivity of the much-anticipated rate hike by the Federal Reserve was overshadowed over the last five trading days as reflected in banking stocks’ price movement. Challenging operating environment once again weighed upon investor sentiment, which led the stocks to move down. Inorganic expansion was prominent for the last five days. With organic growth mostly […]
The Economics Of Higher Education: Why Does It Cost So Much?

The Economics Of Higher Education: Why Does It Cost So Much?

We hear a lot about how expensive higher education has become. The common wisdom is that higher faculty salaries and a growing cadré of administrators are the reasons why. The common wisdom is wrong. In this, the first article in a series on college/university finance, the real reasons for higher costs are presented. Summary Tuition […]
The Best (and Safest) Way To Invest In Turkey

The Best (and Safest) Way To Invest In Turkey

On November 1, Turkey’s president, Recep Erdogan, scored a resounding victory in the country’s general election when his ruling AKP party won 317 of the 550 seats in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. In doing so, his government earned the right to form a government on its own. Good news for investors, right? After all, a […]
Questions, Questions – Will The Fed Raise Its Funds Rate?

Questions, Questions – Will The Fed Raise Its Funds Rate?

  I see that pundits and even Fed FOMC members are believing the labor market “improvement” will allow the FOMC to raise the zero bound federal funds rate when the Fed meets on December 15 later this year. Improvement??  The October BLS Jobs Report was well over expectations – which seems to me is the proximate cause […]
Narrow Markets Breadth And Companies With Negative Earnings Are Leading

Narrow Markets Breadth And Companies With Negative Earnings Are Leading

Although this past week took the S&P 500 Index return for the year into negative territory (down 3.2%) any positive stock returns have been led by only a handful of stocks. For the week, the S&P 500 Index declined 3.7% and was the first weekly decline after six weekly gains.   From The Blog of HORAN […]