Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

Goldman Weighs In On America’s Pension Ponzi: Contributions Must Rise $100 Billion Per Year

Goldman Weighs In On America’s Pension Ponzi: Contributions Must Rise $100 Billion Per Year

Over the past several months, we’ve taken a keen interest in the deteriorating condition of state and local government finances in America.  Moody’s move to downgrade the city of Chicago to junk in May put fiscal mismanagement in the national spotlight and indeed, the Illinois Supreme Court ruling that triggered the downgrade (in combination with a subsequent ruling by […]
Forex Week In Review – 8/17/2015

Forex Week In Review – 8/17/2015

Last week saw the American major markets make gains whilst the rest of the pack lost ground – the reverse of last week In Europe over the course of the week, the FTSE was down by 2.5%, it closed at 6550.7; the Dax ended at 10985, down by 4.4% on last week’s close; the CAC […]
Yuan Devaluation Stir Fries The Markets

Yuan Devaluation Stir Fries The Markets

Is there a market shocker coming up? The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been many times criticized by Western economies, and particularly the U.S., for controlling its domestic currency, the yuan. But this time, the the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) decision to devalue the yuan against the U.S. dollar for three days in […]
How To Make Money In China And Asia

How To Make Money In China And Asia

After all of the carnage in Chinese stocks this summer, some of you are probably patting yourselves on the back for avoiding China – and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region, for that matter. But if you followed my strategy for these markets, you’d be pleased as punch and out of China after a 100% […]
China Stabilizes, Stocks And Bonds Sigh In Relief

China Stabilizes, Stocks And Bonds Sigh In Relief

Fears of a quick sharp devaluation of the Chinese yuan, disrupting the global economy, sparking a currency war, have eased. For the second session, the yuan stabilized. The central reference rate (fix) was CNY6.3969, having finished the Shanghai session before the weekend at CNY6.3912. The fix then was CNY6.3975. While the oil downtrend is continuing today, […]
Greeks Flock To Grassroots Alternative Currencies In Affront To Euro Debt Slavery

Greeks Flock To Grassroots Alternative Currencies In Affront To Euro Debt Slavery

Necessity is the mother of invention. When Christos Papaioannou noticed his car needed new tires, the Greek computer engineer bought them with euros—but used an alternative currency, called TEM, to pay his mechanic for the labor.  His country has avoided a catastrophic exit from the common currency, at least for now. But a small but growing number of […]
Yuan Devaluation Swirls Markets

Yuan Devaluation Swirls Markets

Yuan devaluated heavily following weak Chinese export data Flight to safety temporarily sends U.S. 10 year bond yield to lowest level since April Gold prices surge to highest in over three weeks Investors flee Emerging Markets, leading to depreciation in E.M. currencies Equity records significant losses by mid-week, though U.S. markets see some recovery July’s […]
Income Inequality: Race And Gender Issues

Income Inequality: Race And Gender Issues

Introduction Here we analyse the evolution of two specific features of gender dependent personal income for three races in U.S. population: white, black and Hispanic. Our analysis includes extensive processing of actual data and theoretical consideration at the microeconomic level. In contrast to all other studies of income inequality we quantitatively predict individual incomes in a given […]
USDJPY: Susceptible, Faces Corrective Weakness Risk

USDJPY: Susceptible, Faces Corrective Weakness Risk

USDJPY:  Having capped its strength at the 1.2506 level to close marginally higher the past week, further corrective weakness is envisaged. On the upside, resistance resides at the 124.50 level with a turn above here aiming at the 125.00 level. A break will target the 125.50 level. Further out, resistance comes in at the 126.00 […]
Will IMF Help Athens Pay Its Debts?

Will IMF Help Athens Pay Its Debts?

Eurozone finance ministers gave the green light to an 85 billion euro bailout for Greece on Friday, an indication interpreted by some lawmakers as a definite sign that Greece is interested in remaining a member of the euro area. The bailout approval came about despite the growing resistance within Alexis Tsipras’ Syriza party as well […]