Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

Money – A Legal, Not An Economic Thing

Money – A Legal, Not An Economic Thing

by Dirk Ehnts, Econoblog101 I have recently read a paper by Christine Desan that is titled Money as a legal institution. The author argues that money is a legal thing, that it is defined by laws and that the law is changed in times of crisis. I very much agree with that. Economists have been so bad […]
Another Record – Financial Review

Another Record – Financial Review

Podcast: Play in new window | Play in new window (Duration: 13:15 — 6.1MB) DOW + 13 = 18,312.39 (record) SPX – 1 = 2127 NAS – 8 = 5070 10 YR YLD + .03 = 2.26% OIL – 2.17 = 57.26 GOLD – 17.80 = 1209.00 SILV – .61 = 17.17 Record high for […]
Greece’s Exit Could Be Even More Serious For The Euro Zone

Greece’s Exit Could Be Even More Serious For The Euro Zone

Professor Joseph Stiglitz, economics professor and Nobel Prize Laureate at Columbia University’s Business School, sees a Greek exit from the Euro Zone having a more serious impact on Europe. In this Bloomberg interview, he explains why. (See video below.) 
Beijing We Have A Problem: China Suffers Record Capital Outflow In Q1

Beijing We Have A Problem: China Suffers Record Capital Outflow In Q1

Back on April 18 in “China Sees Largest Capital Outflow In Three Years,” we noted that according to JP Morgan estimates, China saw its fourth consecutive quarter of capital outflows in Q1, bringing the total over the last 12 months to some $300 billion. This is part and parcel of what we have called China’s […]
Trends Driving Recent Gold Rally Firmly Entrenched

Trends Driving Recent Gold Rally Firmly Entrenched

Gold hit a three-month high on Monday, driven by fears over Greece’s ability to pay debts and soft economic data in the US. The price of gold peaked at $1,232.20 Monday, before sliding a bit on Tuesday. CNBC reports a sharp rise in the euro and indications the European Central Bank may speed its 1 […]
Torchmark – All Time High

Torchmark – All Time High

The Chart of the Day is Torchmark (NYSE:TMK). I found the stock by sorting today’s All Time High list for the stocks with the highest technical buy signals, then used the Flipchart feature to review the charts. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 2/11 the stock gained 5.63%. Torchmark Corporation is a financial […]
3 Market Trends That Are Making Me Nervous

3 Market Trends That Are Making Me Nervous

I had breakfast with a good friend this weekend. He runs a small hedge fund that actually managed to get through the financial crisis relatively unscathed thanks to shorting most of the big financial institutions before the Lehman debacle including a big short in Countrywide. My friend has also delivered great performance over the past […]
Recent Stock Purchase II – May 2015

Recent Stock Purchase II – May 2015

<< Read Part I: Recent Stock Purchase – May 2015 With the month of May rapidly moving along and the market continuing to march ever higher, the same old value song begins to resonate in my head about where I’d like to allocate fresh funds in my long term portfolios. Believe me, I would love […]
Buy These 2 Growing Energy Behemoths

Buy These 2 Growing Energy Behemoths

This article is directed at two kinds of investors. In one corner, we have the former Kinder Morgan Energy Partners unit holders, who are extremely upset at the Kinder Morgan roll up and their very large tax bills. In the opposite corner are investors who would like the yields and dividend growth rates of the […]
Housing Starts Rise 20% … Still Well Below Normal

Housing Starts Rise 20% … Still Well Below Normal

There is still significant upside to housing starts…….higher rates will help boost housing…. “Davidson”submits: The NAHB HMI (Housing Market Index) and Single Family Starts were reported the past two days. The HMI (XHB) at 54 and Starts at 733,000 indicate that a  positive trend remains in place. Many appeared to have been surprised by this […]