Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

9 May 2015 Initial Unemployment Claims Rolling Averages Again Improves

9 May 2015 Initial Unemployment Claims Rolling Averages Again Improves

Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims The market was expecting the weekly initial unemployment claims at 265,000 to 280,000 (consensus 276,000) vs the 264,000 reported. The more important (because of the volatility in the weekly reported claims and seasonality errors in adjusting the data) 4 week moving average moved from 279,500 (reported last week as 279,500) to […]
Two Ways Time Management Saves You Money

Two Ways Time Management Saves You Money

Your time is your most valuable asset Correct time management can help you get ahead with your investments, just like it can help you win a game of chess. In order not to find yourself performing carelessly because you feel rushed, it is crucial to learn to treat time as your most valuable asset. As […]
Eric Coffin Pinpoints The Mining Companies With Resources That Are Right For Today’s Market

Eric Coffin Pinpoints The Mining Companies With Resources That Are Right For Today’s Market

Eric Coffin, long-time editor of the Hard Rock Analyst group of publications, has seen the all-time highs in the junior mining space, and the current three-year bear market has taught him to adjust his expectations. He says the companies that he follows that have performed recently all had a specific event—a bigger resource number, a new economic […]
Bundesbank Blasts Draghi For Breaking Bailout Taboo

Bundesbank Blasts Draghi For Breaking Bailout Taboo

Earlier today, we noted that Germany (or at least the Finance Ministry) has thrown its support behind a Greek referendum on euro membership. The idea is that if Greeks vote to remain in the currency bloc, they are essentially also voting to accept that their lifestyles are about to get a lot more austere in exchange for […]
Government Debt Driving Chicago The Way Of Detroit

Government Debt Driving Chicago The Way Of Detroit

Can the economic health of the nation’s largest cities tell us anything about the health of the greater economy? Perhaps. On Tuesday, Moody’s downgraded Chicago’s credit rating to junk level. The downgrade comes in response to the city’s growing pension liabilities, paired with a new Illinois state court ruling that public pensions cannot be cut […]
A Bullish Scenario For Stocks

A Bullish Scenario For Stocks

While we make decisions based on observable evidence (rather than forecasting), it is always a good idea to understand bullish and bearish possibilities. One bullish scenario that could enable the broad market to break from its recent ten-month period of consolidation (see red arrows in chart above) goes something like this: If you were concerned […]
Dow Theory Update…

Dow Theory Update…

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has remained range bound since Thanksgiving and it currently trades near the top of this trading range. However in the middle of all of this there are some divergences that are worth noting. As both of the other components that make up the Dow Theory (Transports and Utilities) trade near […]
Ten Ideas To Save The Economy – Step 3: Expand Social Security

Ten Ideas To Save The Economy – Step 3: Expand Social Security

<< Read Step 1: Making The Economy Work For The Many, Not The Few – Step 1: Raise The Minimum Wage << Read Step 2: Making The Economy Work For The Many, Not The Few – Step 2: Make Work Family Friendly     America is on the cusp of a retirement crisis. Millions of Americans are already […]
Producer Price Index For Final Demand Hits A New Low

Producer Price Index For Final Demand Hits A New Low

Today’s release of the March Producer Price Index (PPI) for Final Demand came in at -0.4% month-over-month seasonally adjusted. That follows the previous month’s 0.2% increase. Core Final Demand (less food and energy) came in at -0.2% month-over-month following a 0.2% change the month before.The forecasts were for 0.2% headline and 0.1% core. The year-over-year change […]
                        Puma Biotechnology Falls As It Posts Mediocre Breast Cancer Results

E Puma Biotechnology Falls As It Posts Mediocre Breast Cancer Results

Shares of Puma Biotechnology (PBYI) are down 19% after the company reported mediocre breast cancer results from a poster set to be presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology — ASCO –meeting being held May 29 to June 2, 2015 in Chicago. Puma’s drug known as Neratinib is in a phase 3 trial treating […]