Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

Greece Empties IMF Reserve Account To Pay IMF; Liquidity “Terribly Urgent” Says Finance Minister

Greece Empties IMF Reserve Account To Pay IMF; Liquidity “Terribly Urgent” Says Finance Minister

Greece said it would make its payment to the IMF on time and it did, one day early in fact. How? Greece Taps IMF Reserve Account.   Greece emptied an IMF holding account to repay 750 million euros ($840 million) due to the fund, a Greek central bank official said, avoiding default but underscoring the dire state […]
                        Telecom Giant Verizon Communications Announces Acquisition Deal For AOL Inc.

EC Telecom Giant Verizon Communications Announces Acquisition Deal For AOL Inc.

Just in time to replace the Comcast/Time Warner failed mega deal, comes a new telecom acquisition. Giant telephone and cable provider Verizon announce the acquisition of AOL today. According to the Wall Street journal, “the all-cash deal values AOL at $50 a share, a 23% premium over the company’s three-month volume-weighted average price. AOL shares […]
Four Canadian Juniors Poised To Gain In The Oil And Gas Recovery: Angelos Damaskos

Four Canadian Juniors Poised To Gain In The Oil And Gas Recovery: Angelos Damaskos

TM editors’ note: This article discusses a penny stock and/or microcap. Such stocks are easily manipulated; do your own careful due diligence. With crisis comes opportunity, as the saying goes, and Angelos Damaskos, principal adviser of the Junior Oils Trust, has capitalized on the panicked selloff of junior oil and gas companies to build positions […]
Bond Short Squeeze Sends Stocks Green For The Day

Bond Short Squeeze Sends Stocks Green For The Day

Trannies remain lower as the rest of the US equity market has accelerated higher after the 3Y auction and the short squeeze in bond-land… “Green” – mwuahahaha Click on picture to enlarge Squeeze… Charts: Bloomberg
China’s Equity Bull Market…

China’s Equity Bull Market…

The US stock market has been the place to be for the last 3-4 years. So naturally investors are inclined to follow what has been working and abandon their plans. Of course this is one of the reasons the individual investor tends to perform so poorly in the aggregate. Markets are always forward looking while […]
Why A Stock Market Crash May Once Again Be Inevitable

Why A Stock Market Crash May Once Again Be Inevitable

Don’t confuse brains with a bull market. -Humphrey B. Neill Spending as much time as I do on social media, namely Twitter and StockTwits, I’ve been absolutely astounded by how many traders have begun to “confuse brains with a bull market.” We joke about it on these platforms but there is an amazing amount of hubris out there […]
Who Will Bail Out The Central Banks In 2018?

Who Will Bail Out The Central Banks In 2018?

Jim Rickards spoke at the National Center for Policy Analysis in late April. In this long video, the author of The Death of Money first discusses why central banks are always so wrong in their forecasting and policies. He relates how it took 100 years for science to understand and accept that the planets revolve around the […]
                        Riddle Me This: The Difference Between Headlines And Reality

EC Riddle Me This: The Difference Between Headlines And Reality

As I was preparing for my daily radio show broadcast yesterday, I began looking at a variety of polls over the last year as to what was the most important issue to voters for the 2016 election. One poll after another, regardless of whether it was from a conservative or liberal perspective, showed the same […]
To The Class Of 2015 – You Chumps!

To The Class Of 2015 – You Chumps!

Dull, Embarrassing, Earnest and Trivial A long, long time ago On graduation day You handed me your book I signed this way “Roses are red, my love Violets are blue Sugar is sweet, my love And boy are we screwed” – With apologies to Bobby Vinton Image credit: Merlon Drâs Last year at about this […]
The Numbers Needed For The Prime U.S. Workforce To Recover

The Numbers Needed For The Prime U.S. Workforce To Recover

At last year’s Jackson Hole Symposium, Fed Chair Janet Yellen delivered an extended analysis of “Labor Market Dynamics and Monetary Policy”. Her speech essentially reviewed the ongoing debate over the mix of cyclical versus structural factors in employment since the Great Recession. Here is an updated a series of charts illustrating some structural changes in […]