Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

A minister and Stanford business lecturer explains how to be spiritual at work

A minister and Stanford business lecturer explains how to be spiritual at work

Before retiring last year, Scotty McLennan spent 14 years as the dean for religious life at Stanford University, where, among other things, he interviewed the Dalai Lama and worked to create a campus meditative center, which opened last summer. As he returns to teach at Stanford Graduate School of Business this spring, the Unitarian Universalist […]
Finish him! ‘Mortal Kombat X’ is the bloody next chapter fans deserve

Finish him! ‘Mortal Kombat X’ is the bloody next chapter fans deserve

It took just four button taps to squeeze a man’s guts out, like a tube of toothpaste. Except you wouldn’t brush your teeth with shimmering, red entrails. Five minutes later, a few more button taps left my victim’s skull bisected. Her brain rolled out and her tongue lolled outside of a face without a jaw. […]
The New Age of SEO: Why Your Approach Must Change

The New Age of SEO: Why Your Approach Must Change

SEO best practices are going to change whether we like it or not. It’s easy to get set in your ways and feel comfortable with your current strategy, but this isn’t going to be sustainable in this industry. It’s important that marketers focus on getting out of their old way of thinking and evolve along […]
Google Gives More Reasons to Have a Mobile-Friendly Website

Google Gives More Reasons to Have a Mobile-Friendly Website

According to Google, a new update scheduled for release on April 21 will provide us with more mobile-friendly websites in search results. This should come as no surprise, as smartphones and tablet devices have become increasingly prevalent as a tool to browse the Internet. Especially with the introduction of apps, these mobile devices can perform […]
Shared Solar Tries Again To Light Up CT

Shared Solar Tries Again To Light Up CT

Saared solar, a concept that could make solar power available to the 80 percent of homes in Connecticut that are otherwise unsuited for it, appears headed for another rocky run through the state legislature. Last year a bill authorizing shared solar melted down in end-of-session dramatics marked by bickering and finger-pointing over who was to […]
What to Expect When Moving to Boston

What to Expect When Moving to Boston

Relocating to Boston? Great! New England’s capital is a wonderful city to live in, but it will take you some time to learn how to get around. Check out this article for some useful tips to get you started. Boston is a vibrant city, with a booming economy and a rich culture. There are lots […]
Useful Advice to Consider When You Start Blogging

Useful Advice to Consider When You Start Blogging

Want to start a blog? Great! Blogging helps you share your ideas, connect with other like-minded individuals, and, if you’re really determined, even make some cash. Maintaining a blog isn’t easy, though. Check out this article for a few insights on what it’s like to start a blogging career and you’re going to be off […]
Tight real estate market becomes game of ‘first to know’

Tight real estate market becomes game of ‘first to know’

After walking through the first house they looked at, first-time home buyers Megan and David Stricker followed their Realtor’s urgent advice and made an offer. “She told us how fast things are selling and said if you like it, you need to make an offer,” said Megan Stricker. That turned out to be good advice. […]
‘Get Hard’ movie review: Is Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart’s NOLA-shot comedy racist or not racist?

‘Get Hard’ movie review: Is Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart’s NOLA-shot comedy racist or not racist?

There are any number of unflattering invectives that can fairly be hurled at Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart’s comedy “Get Hard.” It is crude. It is juvenile. It is flat-out moronic. But “racist” and “homophobic” aren’t among them. Those were the hot-button words used to describe the New Orleans-shot, Los Angeles-set comedy immediately upon its […]
Media world challenge: People love news, but won’t pay for it

Media world challenge: People love news, but won’t pay for it

Two recent polls offer struggling media companies some good news and plenty of bad. On the plus side of the ledger: contrary to assumptions that todays millennials (18 to 34) are so immersed in social media they don’t care about the world beyond their smartphone, most keep up with events daily. On the negative side: […]