Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

The Reverse Guest Blogging Trend in 2014 May Be Huge: How it Works

The Reverse Guest Blogging Trend in 2014 May Be Huge: How it Works

As Google moves toward a semantic approach, focusing more on the big picture of a search as opposed to keywords, producing creative content is going to be more important than ever. This is where the idea of reverse guest blogging comes into play, and it’s a big reason that I suspect this will be a […]
Business Networks 2014: Disrupt And Conquer

Business Networks 2014: Disrupt And Conquer

Companies plugged into the Networked Economy en masse in 2013. And in 2014, they’ll supercharge their efforts. Leveraging business networks, they’ll harness the insights and intelligence of entire communities to break down the barriers to collaboration and enable new processes that drive innovation and competitive advantage. But these aren’t your father’s networks. They’re smarter, faster and more […]
10 Strategies for Surviving a Cash Flow Slump

10 Strategies for Surviving a Cash Flow Slump

Maybe you haven’t had the earnings you projected you would this year. Maybe some key invoices are still unpaid and you’re getting panicky. Fear not — you’re not alone. To learn how to navigate a cash-flow slump, we asked 10 entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following: “What’s one strategy you used successfully […]
5 Tips for Changing Careers on a Budget

5 Tips for Changing Careers on a Budget

Sometimes it takes a long time to figure out what you want to be when you grow up, and that’s OK. Whether it’s a newly-discovered passion, previous job burnout or a change in location, workers across the country are itching for a career change. According to a recent survey conducted by the University of Phoenix, over half […]
Is Your Small Business Getting All It Can from the Federal Government?

Is Your Small Business Getting All It Can from the Federal Government?

I have a love-hate relationship with webinars. First, I love them because often they offer practical information in a time-efficient manner. Then there are two dimensions to my hatred; and yes, “hate” is overstating it a bit. First, many of the best webinars are rather expensive and second, while the free webinars often include good […]
Apple to precisely locate shoppers within its stores using iBeacon technology

Apple to precisely locate shoppers within its stores using iBeacon technology

NEW YORK –  GPS will tell you how to get to the nearest Apple store. With iBeacon, Apple hopes to guide you around once you’re inside, whether it’s to pick up an order, upgrade to a new iPhone or shop for a pair of headphones. On Friday, Apple will begin using the technology at its […]
Did You Give Thanks this Weekend for the Fed’s Easy Money Policy?

Did You Give Thanks this Weekend for the Fed’s Easy Money Policy?

Reflecting on this past Thanksgiving weekend, there was a lot to be thankful for, especially if you have been long in the stock market for the past four years. Now is a time for reflection. The advance in the stock market has been stellar following the bottom in March 2009. The S&P 500 is up 171% since […]
Millennials: It’s Not Too Late to Plan for an Early Retirement

Millennials: It’s Not Too Late to Plan for an Early Retirement

The alarm buzzes. You hit snooze a few times before stumbling your way into the bathroom, wishing you could do something — anything — other than go in to work. Pasting a smile on your face and mumbling “good morning” to your coworkers, you settle into your desk for yet another day of gazing at […]
How to Lower Your Site’s Bounce Rate

How to Lower Your Site’s Bounce Rate

On the Internet, a high bounce rate is the kiss of death — and a sure sign that your website and marketing strategy need a major overhaul. In order to better understand and analyze the success of your marketing campaigns, there are a plethora of web analytics tools to measure everything from time spent on […]
Are You Earning Too Little?

Are You Earning Too Little?

Underearners can overcome their low incomes by making some big life changes. Personal finance author Barbara Stanny realized she was earning too little money when she interviewed women bringing home six figures or more for one of her books. “Of the first 15, three of them were writers. It was such an empowering thing for […]