Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

Huey, Dewey & Louie Quack About Gold

Huey, Dewey & Louie Quack About Gold

Looking around the gold sector at some of those who have tried to keep ‘em bullish all the way down.  The peddlers of hope are irrepressible. Huey writes that gold stocks are well supported by the enormous expansion in the global gold jewelry business.  In fact, according to Huey Western mining stock shareholders stand to […]
France Desperate To ‘Erase US Internet Companies From Existence’

France Desperate To ‘Erase US Internet Companies From Existence’

If You Can’t Beat Them, Outlaw Them … We have previously reported on the French obsession with stifling competition to the vast detriment of the consumer, so as to protect established businesses with all sorts of legal restrictions. A prime example of this nonsense is France’s decision last year to make free shipping by Amazon (AMZN) […]
Something Appears To Be Going On With Gold

Something Appears To Be Going On With Gold

Something appears to be happening to gold. That something is either China finally revealing its true gold inventory, which is unlikely, or, more likely, the biggest fat finger in the history of gold, as a liquidity testing algo goes absolutely insane in the pre-open period (and loses its job on the BIS’ payroll). Or, most […]
Long Leisure Suits

Long Leisure Suits

If you’re into retail and want a true contrarian play, look no farther than beleaguered chain JC Penney (JCP). It’s been beaten to smithereens, presently about 10% of its prior peak price, and it seems to be hammering out a bottom.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

t’s unlikely we will be seeing much action over the next few days. I have memories of Thanksgiving Friday been good for bulls, but with holiday trading anything can happen. The index most likely to enjoy a good holiday break is the Russell 2000.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts – Refreshing Resilience

Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts – Refreshing Resilience

Gold and silver held their prices well today with silver actually gaining some ground. Not bad for the day after a Comex option expiration. This Friday the December contract becomes active on first notice, so we might see some changes in open interest. Not much to report in the delivery category, but the Comex warehouse […]
Market Commentary: Markets Close Mixed, Sideways Trading All Afternoon

Market Commentary: Markets Close Mixed, Sideways Trading All Afternoon

Written by Gary The averages have closed all over the place. The DOW closed flat and in the red while the small caps closed fractionally higher in the green. Volume was low for most of the afternoon with some moderate trading at the close. By 4 pm the averages looked weak and uninspiring as we suspected […]
Smart Oil Is Cheap Oil: Rudolf Hokanson

Smart Oil Is Cheap Oil: Rudolf Hokanson

Even a global economic growth slowdown will not seriously impact the future of the shale oil patch, Rudolf “Rudy” Hokanson tells The Energy Report. The Barrington Research analyst’s job is to think long and hard about the target prices he assigns to the best and brightest junior firms playing in the Bakken and other shales. He likes […]
                        Two Investment Options For The Security Sector Bull Market

E Two Investment Options For The Security Sector Bull Market

Recently I wrote about the risk of cyber crime on the investment scene in Caveat Emptor. The article emphasizes the need to mitigate the risk of cyber security in your portfolio. To do this, I suggest reviewing company’s published statistics on the cost of online crime. I also suggest gaining an understanding of the broad […]
Texas Tea & Treasury Yields Tumble As Trannies Top The Day

Texas Tea & Treasury Yields Tumble As Trannies Top The Day

Never in the history of US equity markets has the S&P 500 closed above its 5-day moving average for 28 days in a row… until today. While most indices tracked sideways in a very narrow range today, Trannies outperformed (helped by weaker oil, but even when oil rallied intraday Trannies rallied too). VIX tracked back below […]