Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

                        Model Portfolios Updated

E Model Portfolios Updated

Thanks in part to my special report on Benitec the BTEBY share is now showing a gain. The Down Under management is a bit overwhelmed by the trigger-happy US market but they are quick learners. They set up three investor days, in San Francisco, Boston, and New York in order to get their message to shareholders. I […]
Peter Schiff To Krugman: It’s Too Early To Declare A Fed Victory

Peter Schiff To Krugman: It’s Too Early To Declare A Fed Victory

You might have noticed that Paul Krugman came out swinging at Peter Schiff and Austrian economics in his New York Times column this weekend. Peter responded to the hit-piece, explaining to Krugman why he’s declaring a Keynesian victory far too early.   Highlights from Peter’s response to Paul Krugman: “Krugman really hasn’t studied the Austrian School at […]
Personal Consumption Expenditures: October 2014 Preview

Personal Consumption Expenditures: October 2014 Preview

US personal consumption spending for October is projected to rise 0.3% vs. the previous month in tomorrow’s update (Nov. 26), based on The Capital Spectator’s median point forecast for several econometric estimates. The prediction reflects a moderate rebound in growth relative to September’s 0.2% decline. Compared with a trio of consensus estimates based on recent […]
October 2014 Coincident Indicator Review: Economy’s Rate Of Growth Remains Nearly Constant

October 2014 Coincident Indicator Review: Economy’s Rate Of Growth Remains Nearly Constant

The above graph shows the index value for the US Coincident Index. A comparison of US Coincident Index, Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti business conditions index, Conference Board’s Coincident Index, ECRI’s USCI (U.S. Coincident Index), and Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) coincident indicators follows. Economic indicators that coincide with economic movements are coincident indicators. Coincident indicators by definition do […]
Black Friday 2014: What Are Retailers Expecting

Black Friday 2014: What Are Retailers Expecting

The holiday shopping season seems to start a little earlier every year. Given that several national chains–among them heavyweights like Walmart (WMT) and Target (TGT)–are opening their doors while the sun is still up on Thanksgiving Day, I’m beginning to wonder if Black Friday sales will be much of a meaningful indicator in the years ahead. At any rate, while […]
The Stock Whisper Of The Day: Petrobras

The Stock Whisper Of The Day: Petrobras

The stock whisper of the day is: (PBR).
Tip Toppy Tuesday – Markets Make Record Highs On Record Low Volume

Tip Toppy Tuesday – Markets Make Record Highs On Record Low Volume

Another day, another new high.   Yawn. We’d be a lot more impressed if all the gains for the day didn’t come pre-market – in the even thinner-traded futures, followed by a day of choppy trading on anemic volume.   Still, it is what it is and what it is is another new high and […]
Weekly Gasoline Price Update: Regular Drops Another Seven Cents

Weekly Gasoline Price Update: Regular Drops Another Seven Cents

It’s time again for my weekly gasoline update based on data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Rounded to the penny Regular dropped another seven cents and Premium six. Regular is now at its lowest price since November 2010. Will the price decline in gasoline boost discretionary spending as we approach the holiday season? Stay tuned! According […]
Futures In Fresh Record Territory As OECD Cuts Global Growth Projections Again

Futures In Fresh Record Territory As OECD Cuts Global Growth Projections Again

Just two months after the OECD cut its global growth outlook, overnight the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development cut it again, taking down its US, Chinese, Japanese but mostly, Eurozone forecasts. In the report it said: “The Economic Outlook draws attention to a global economy stuck in low gear, with growth in trade and investment […]
                        Large Cap Best & Worst Report – November 25, 2014

E Large Cap Best & Worst Report – November 25, 2014

Since 2010, our top scoring weekly has outpaced the SPX by a median 376 bps in the following year. The best performers from our list one year ago are MU up 69%, RCL up 62%, FB up 61%, AAPL up 56%, HPQ up 51%, and THI up 45%. Healthcare is the best large cap sector. […]