Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

Apple to precisely locate shoppers within its stores using iBeacon technology

Apple to precisely locate shoppers within its stores using iBeacon technology

NEW YORK –  GPS will tell you how to get to the nearest Apple store. With iBeacon, Apple hopes to guide you around once you’re inside, whether it’s to pick up an order, upgrade to a new iPhone or shop for a pair of headphones. On Friday, Apple will begin using the technology at its […]
Did You Give Thanks this Weekend for the Fed’s Easy Money Policy?

Did You Give Thanks this Weekend for the Fed’s Easy Money Policy?

Reflecting on this past Thanksgiving weekend, there was a lot to be thankful for, especially if you have been long in the stock market for the past four years. Now is a time for reflection. The advance in the stock market has been stellar following the bottom in March 2009. The S&P 500 is up 171% since […]
Millennials: It’s Not Too Late to Plan for an Early Retirement

Millennials: It’s Not Too Late to Plan for an Early Retirement

The alarm buzzes. You hit snooze a few times before stumbling your way into the bathroom, wishing you could do something — anything — other than go in to work. Pasting a smile on your face and mumbling “good morning” to your coworkers, you settle into your desk for yet another day of gazing at […]
How to Lower Your Site’s Bounce Rate

How to Lower Your Site’s Bounce Rate

On the Internet, a high bounce rate is the kiss of death — and a sure sign that your website and marketing strategy need a major overhaul. In order to better understand and analyze the success of your marketing campaigns, there are a plethora of web analytics tools to measure everything from time spent on […]
Are You Earning Too Little?

Are You Earning Too Little?

Underearners can overcome their low incomes by making some big life changes. Personal finance author Barbara Stanny realized she was earning too little money when she interviewed women bringing home six figures or more for one of her books. “Of the first 15, three of them were writers. It was such an empowering thing for […]
Yes, You Can Use Your Phone On a Plane. Just Not to Talk

Yes, You Can Use Your Phone On a Plane. Just Not to Talk

As the business jet climbs past 10,000 feet, Gogo Inc.’s onboard wireless network latches onto the Internet, and digital addicts fire up their smartphones. Fingers fly across keypads on this demonstration flight over Manhattan to let users try an app called Text & Talk from the largest U.S. airline Wi-Fi provider. Only there’s little talk. As […]
If You’re Ready to Take on the World, Focus Is Key to Global Success

If You’re Ready to Take on the World, Focus Is Key to Global Success

Whether you sell digital downloads or designer diapers, there’s a big wide world out there full of opportunities. It has never been easier for small and medium sized businesses to reach a global marketplace and attain global success. It’s not just theory, it’s actually happening. In 2011, export sales from from businesses with under 500 employees […]
Need a Great Business Idea? Start With a Blank Piece of Paper

Need a Great Business Idea? Start With a Blank Piece of Paper

A blank piece of paper (or, in today’s technology-driven world, a blank document) can be a pretty intimidating sight. The pressure to be creative and fill the page with original ideas is often overwhelming for entrepreneurs, leading them to become frustrated and give up on their projects, especially if that project is coming up with […]
Seeing red: China’s credit addiction

Seeing red: China’s credit addiction

In June, the Chinese government made a fruitless attempt to curb the nation’s increasing dependency on credit. By August, loans from shadow banks reached an all time high. If lending continues at this rate, the Chinese economy is heading for a dip. China responded to the economic events of 2008 with an investment-heavy stimulus programme […]
Poll: Older Americans Say ‘No’ to Social Security Changes

Poll: Older Americans Say ‘No’ to Social Security Changes

CHICAGO — Raise the age at which you can begin collecting full Social Security benefits? Older Americans say no. They also veto reductions in the cost-of-living increase. But a poll finds support among those 50 and older for raising the cap on earnings that are taxed to fund the Social Security program so higher-income workers pay more. […]