Author Archive: Jeremy Parkinson

Winslet married Ned RocknRoll secretly in New York

Winslet married Ned RocknRoll secretly in New York

It has been confirmed that actress Kate Winslet has married her partner Ned RocknRoll secretly in New York. A representative for Winslet said the private ceremony, held earlier this month, was attended by her two children and a very few friends and family. The ceremony was brief and very simple, with the venue filled with […]
New EU draft for rescue fund rules

New EU draft for rescue fund rules

The EU has released a new draft of regulations that would force countries to take a greater participation alongside the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) rescue fund, or protect the fund against any losses accrued from rescuing banks. The plan was circulated among eurozone finance ministers at the end of last year but has now been […]
Managing the Venezuelan exchange control system

Managing the Venezuelan exchange control system

Since January 23 2003, an exchange control regime authorised by the Venezualan Central Bank (BCV) has been in force in Venezuela, strongly restricting the sale and purchase of foreign currency. This restricted currency market was initially developed by Exchange Control Convention Number One, and was then reviewed by several other Exchange Control Conventions. Resolutions were […]
Tort team attack Big Food

Tort team attack Big Food

In 2009, a group of parents filed a class action lawsuit with the potential to bring Big Food down to its knees. The parents had taken issue with an ad campaign that tried to pass off Nutella – the chocolate and nut paste – as a healthy breakfast staple, citing the wholesome ingredients used to […]
Ireland confident in debt deal after €2.5bn bond sale

Ireland confident in debt deal after €2.5bn bond sale

Ireland’s National Treasury Management Agency has held a successful five-year bond auction, attracting €7bn of orders and allowing the debt office to raise €2.5bn- a yield of about 3.35 percent. The auction was the latest in a series of steps towards rebuilding the country’s finances and regaining the trust of the markets. The auction was […]
Bank of America ramps up lending

Bank of America ramps up lending

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan has announced that the company should overtake JPMorgan Chase in direct-to-consumer mortgage lending over the next six months, according to the Financial Times. Moynihan says he has instructed bankers to be “more aggressive” in pursuing and offering loans to companies. In the first nine months of 2012, BofA originated […]
India benefits from a billion brains

India benefits from a billion brains

Clip on a harness, lift your legs and hurtle down a wire towards the sharp corners of a 15th-century Rajasthani fort. As you whizz, you might have a few niggling doubts. Was the zip-wire serviced by someone who knew what they were doing? Is the safety adviser any good? Who is trained in first aid? […]
Global trade enters new era

Global trade enters new era

Historic news this August, as Russia officially became a member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) after 20 years of negotiations and debates over preferential treatment for domestic manufacturers. A spate of major deals involving its oil, petrochemical and metals industries no doubt greased its path to WTO accession. Putin has since done something of […]
Plans for quotas for women on boards dropped by Brussels

Plans for quotas for women on boards dropped by Brussels

The original plan obliged all publicly traded companies to fill a quota of 40 percent of women by 2020 or risk incurring fines and sanctions, has now been scrapped. EU lawyers have ruled that mandatory gender quotas are not allowed under the region’s treaties. The EU justice commissioner, Viviane Reding, announced the suspension of the […]
Japanese exports tumble amid territorial dispute

Japanese exports tumble amid territorial dispute

Not since the earthquake and tsunami in 2011 have Japanese exports declined so sharply as this past September, figures from the Ministry of Finance confirm. Overseas shipments from Japan have fallen 10.3 percent year-on-year. The drop in exports is being attributed to the difficult diplomatic relations between China and Japan following a tense stand-off over […]