Category Archive: Entertainment

Will Crowdfunding Save Bitcoin?

Will Crowdfunding Save Bitcoin?

Over recent months, there has been an uproar concerning the National Security Agency snooping into social media records of users from world over. This led to the development of many platforms which are claiming to be encrypted. One such platform is Tox, which is used for instant messaging. Tox recently announced its messaging platform enables […]
No Calendar Year (Since 1950) Has Gone Further Into The Year Without A 4-Day Losing Streak Than 2014

No Calendar Year (Since 1950) Has Gone Further Into The Year Without A 4-Day Losing Streak Than 2014

Click on picture to enlarge  Can you believe Thanksgiving is almost here? Just five short weeks from now we will be celebrating a New Year! This year went fast for you? The above chart highlights that since 1950, no calendar year has gone further into the year without a 4-day losing streak! S&P 500 breaks […]
                        Thinking Clearly About Forecasting

EC Thinking Clearly About Forecasting

There’s a pernicious rumor making the rounds that economic and market forecasts are accurate. There’s also a misguided notion embraced in some corners that all predictions are worthless at all times under all conditions. Both of these extreme views are unproductive, bordering on dangerous. Yes, peering into the future is hazardous work and it’s a […]
What Have The Nonpartisan Research Agencies Ever Done For Us?

What Have The Nonpartisan Research Agencies Ever Done For Us?

(For the youth of today, here is the reference.) I see Americans for Tax Reform is against reappointment of Doug Elmendorf as CBO head. It is a remarkable document, insofar as it is so full of factual errors that the head spins. Montgomery at WaPo provides a point-by-point rebuttal of each of Grover Norquist’s assertions. Here’s a debunking of one […]
Experts Weigh In On Solving Retirement

Experts Weigh In On Solving Retirement

There were a couple of very interesting retirement articles posted last week that are worth pointing out. The first on was from the LA Times and focused on research and comments on the research from Alicia Munnell from the Boston College Center for Retirement Research which, cutting to the chase, concludes most people will not have the […]
Morning Call For November 24, 2014

Morning Call For November 24, 2014

OVERNIGHT MARKETS AND NEWS December E-mini S&Ps (ESZ14 +0.24%) this morning are up +0.18% and European stocks are up +0.99% at a 1-3/4 month high after German business confidence unexpectedly rose for the first time in 7 months. European bank stocks and government bonds also rose on speculation the ECB will expand stimulus after ECB President […]
Central Banks: When We Succeed, We Fail

Central Banks: When We Succeed, We Fail

Goosing stocks ever higher will eventually push wealth inequality to the point that it unleashes social instability. Central banks around the world share a few simple goals: 1. Defeat deflation by sparking inflation–in the cost of goods and services, not wages. 2. Weaken the currency to boost exports and counter beggar thy neighbor devaluations by other exporting […]
Oil & Dollar At Crucial Long-Term Areas – Weekly Market Outlook

Oil & Dollar At Crucial Long-Term Areas – Weekly Market Outlook

While the release of the Federal Reserve’s meeting minutes on Wednesday of last week was supposed to be catalytic, the market seemed a little disappointed – and disinterested – in the fact that Janet Yellen and her cohorts didn’t really say much (or decide much) of anything during last month’s gathering.  It wasn’t until Friday’s […]
Facebook Looking To Profit With News

Facebook Looking To Profit With News

Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB)’s desire to become a reliable ‘personal newspaper’ for its world-wide user base could mean more trouble for the ailing news media segment. Editorial decisions about what users read will not be decided from a journalistic perspective, but rather from an algorithmic standpoint. In other words, Facebook will target readers with news they […]
Financial Repression Authority With Axel Merk

Financial Repression Authority With Axel Merk

Gordon T. Long and Axel Merk discuss financial repression. Audio Length: 00:24:42