Category Archive: Finance

Safe Havens On The Rise

Safe Havens On The Rise

Safe havens are rising. They are outperforming U.S. stocks. Safe havens include gold, silver, the Japanese Yen, and U.S. Treasuries. Markets rise and fall with trends. Typically, a trend send a group of assets higher and another group of assets lower. Since last summer stocks have been trending higher driven by a rise in interest […]
Enough With The Labor Shortage Already, It Doesn’t/Can’t Exist

Enough With The Labor Shortage Already, It Doesn’t/Can’t Exist

Can we finally put to rest all notions that the US economy is at full employment and doing well, and therefore wage inflation is right around the corner? I suspect not. This dance has been ongoing for years now, continuing through what was nearly a recession, so there is little reason to believe that economists […]
Fed Quantitative Easing’s Dramatic Effect On Credit Markets In One Annotated Chart

Fed Quantitative Easing’s Dramatic Effect On Credit Markets In One Annotated Chart

Global central banks certainly haven’t succeeded in creating the type of robust recovery they ostensibly set out to facilitate in the wake of the crisis. At the very least, the coordinated effort in monetary insanity has taken a lot longer to “work” than its architects anticipated and that’s in no small part attributable to the […]
Cohn Is Out Of The Running To Be The Next Fed Chair

Cohn Is Out Of The Running To Be The Next Fed Chair

Auto Sales Weak In Beige Book The Fed’s Beige Book report was released Wednesday. That’s where the Fed gives its update on how it sees the economy now and where it might be going in the future. The key term was that there is modest to moderate growth which Steve Liesman says means 2% growth. […]
Tremor Video – Chart Of The Day

Tremor Video – Chart Of The Day

The Chart of the Day belongs to Tremor Video (TRMR). I found the video advertising stock by using Barchart to sort today’s Top Stocks to Own list first by the highest Weighted Alpha, then again by technical buy signals of 80% or more. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 8/10 the stock gained 61.86%. Tremor Video, Inc. offers technology-driven […]
Highly Unusual Developments In The U.S. Money Supply

Highly Unusual Developments In The U.S. Money Supply

The numbers for the final week of August have just been released and they show a highly unusual development for being this late in the year: the money supply is actually lower today than at the beginning of the year.   If this continues it will not be long until the year on year growth […]
Markets Coiled And Ready To Strike

Markets Coiled And Ready To Strike

After Tuesday’s sell off markets have traded into tight coils (inside days) which are traditionally viewed as swing trade opportunities; buy break of high/stop on reverse side + vice versa for a short. The S&P is sitting just above its converging 20-day and 50-day MAs and rising channel support. Technicals are still on the bullish side […]
Market Talk – Thursday, September 7

Market Talk – Thursday, September 7

Yes, Asia benefited off of the back of the US markets bouncing but it was far from encouraging. We saw small gains for the Nikkei (+0.2%) and the ASX but declines for the Hang Seng (-0.35%) and Shanghai (-0.6%). Given we have little new headline news concerning North Korea the KOPSI has seen a 1.1% […]
Market Remains Overvalued – Thursday, September 7

Market Remains Overvalued – Thursday, September 7

Here is a summary of the four market valuation indicators we update on a monthly basis. The Crestmont Research P/E Ratio (more) The cyclical P/E ratio using the trailing 10-year earnings as the divisor (more) The Q Ratio, which is the total price of the market divided by its replacement cost (more) The relationship of […]