Category Archive: Finance

Stocks Pop, Gold Drops After ‘Calmed’ Korea, Debt-Ceiling Delay, & Dismal Data

Stocks Pop, Gold Drops After ‘Calmed’ Korea, Debt-Ceiling Delay, & Dismal Data

Disappointing Data this morning was trump’d by some de-escalation with North Korea and a short-term debt-ceiling can-kicking – stocks rallied, bonds & bullion leaked lower, and the dollar was unable to get back into the green… Video length: 00:00:03 The biggest headlines of the day came out of DC (as usual) with Trump seeming to de-escalate […]
Energy Is Rallying A Bit

Energy Is Rallying A Bit

Not much happening in the market today. The Leader List The leaders are listed below in blue and green. The S&P500 is the benchmark.  Energy is rallying a bit. Outlook The long-term outlook is positive, but the caution flag has been raised.The medium-term trend is down.The short-term trend is up.
The Q Ratio And Market Valuation: August Update

The Q Ratio And Market Valuation: August Update

The Q Ratio is a popular method of estimating the fair value of the stock market developed by Nobel Laureate James Tobin. It’s a fairly simple concept, but laborious to calculate. The Q Ratio is the total price of the market divided by the replacement cost of all its companies. Fortunately, the government does the […]
USD/CAD – 1.20 Or 1.25?

USD/CAD – 1.20 Or 1.25?

  The Bank of Canada caught everyone by surprise when they raised interest rates to 1% today. We knew there was a small chance of a hike but we didn’t really expect it to happen so quickly after the last one especially at a meeting with no press conference. But perhaps that was exactly what […]

                        Canada Hikes Again – What Does It Mean For The “CANZ Economies”?

HH Canada Hikes Again – What Does It Mean For The “CANZ Economies”?

The Bank of Canada hiked interest rates another 25bps to 1.00% today, surprising most.  As noted last time (following the July interest rate hike)  Canada’s housing market is running hot, and has all the hallmarks of a property price bubble.  We’ve looked at the Canadian property market valuations a number of times and there is a clear case […]
Breadth: It’s All About Perspective

Breadth: It’s All About Perspective

The recent sideways churning of the market that we highlighted in an earlier post has also made its presence felt in the short term breadth of S&P 500 Industry Groups. To highlight this, the top two charts below show the percentage of S&P 500 Industry Groups with rising 50-day moving averages (DMA) and the percentage trading above […]
Everything Is Wonderful… Ex-Energy, Ex-Retail And Ex-Banks

Everything Is Wonderful… Ex-Energy, Ex-Retail And Ex-Banks

As long as central banks around the globe are creating monetary credits at a breakneck clip of $200 billion per month, assets from stocks to real estate to higher yielding securities may have a floor underneath them. In particular, saber rattling in North Korea, government shutdown threats, natural disasters from Harvey to Irma, slower job […]
The Startups That Are Making Cryptocurrencies And The Blockchain Incredibly Easy To Use

The Startups That Are Making Cryptocurrencies And The Blockchain Incredibly Easy To Use

We see how fast cryptocurrencies are growing. Going from a market cap of $20 billion at the beginning of the year to $148 billion today, cryptocurrencies have been on a tear. One of the more remarkable aspects? It’s expanded in spite of the difficulties that come with buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Sometimes it’s not easy […]
September 2017 Beige Book: Reading Between The Lines – Rate Of Economic Expansion Improved

September 2017 Beige Book: Reading Between The Lines – Rate Of Economic Expansion Improved

The consolidated economic report from the 12 Federal Reserve Districts (Beige Book) stated “expanded at a modest to moderate pace across all twelve Federal Reserve Districts in July and August“. The previous report stated “the pace of growth ranging from slight to moderate“. Analyst Opinion of this month’s Beige Book Seems like the rate of […]
Copper Leading The Australian Dollar?

Copper Leading The Australian Dollar?

We are long AUD/USD and looking forward to the pair playing some catchup with copper prices. The chart below compares weekly copper futures prices to the AUD/USD spot price. Copper has moved above a key intermediate-term swing resistance level; Aussie has not. The bottom pane of the chart shows the 10-year benchmark spread between Australia […]