Category Archive: Finance

Colorado Scattershots

Colorado Scattershots

Ask a child what he or she wants to be when they grow up, and you’ll probably get a standard answer: firefighter, doctor, teacher – all occupations we learn to recognize at an early age. Rarely do you hear a young one say, “I want to be a writer.” I don’t recall ever saying it. […]
Since 2001…

Since 2001…

As you know, there are a whole lot of people out there who are concerned that the rally in U.S. stocks rests on a shaky foundation characterized by an overreliance on tech. These concerns have found expression in cautious notes from Goldman and lengthy missives penned by the likes of Howard Marks, who in July implicitly compared the […]
Economic And Other Dangers Of Climate Change: Why We Need To Act Now

Economic And Other Dangers Of Climate Change: Why We Need To Act Now

Jan Dash PhD is a physicist, an expert at quantitative finance and risk management, and a consultant at Bloomberg LP. In his thought-provoking book, Quantitative Finance and Risk Management, A Physicist’s Approach, he devotes a chapter to climate change and its long-term systemic risk. Jan’s Climate Portal provides background. In this interview with Phil Stock World’s editor Ilene Carrie, Jan discusses climate change and […]
China Slams Trump’s Trade Threat As “Unacceptable”

China Slams Trump’s Trade Threat As “Unacceptable”

An angry China slammed President Trump’s threat on Monday to cut off trade with countries that deal with North Korea, as “unacceptable” and “unfair.” As a reminder, following Sunday’s nuclear test by North Korea, Trump threatened to increase economic sanctions and halt trade with any country doing business with North Korea, a threat he has […]
4 Large-Cap Medical Device Stocks To Buy Amid Political Woes

4 Large-Cap Medical Device Stocks To Buy Amid Political Woes

After Trump’s failed efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, Trump introduced the “skinny” repeal that calls for doing away with parts of Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare like “individual mandate,” “employer mandate” and “Cadillac taxes”. Last month, the Republicans lost the debate over skinny repeal. The United States witnessed a political dilemma after three […]
Can The US Dollar & Gold Price Advance Together? Sure They Can…

Can The US Dollar & Gold Price Advance Together? Sure They Can…

Last week, we noted that the US Dollar Index (DXY) looked likely to have put in a tradable low after the Tuesday ‘spike-and-reverse’ from a zone of major long-term support. By the end of last week this view was further underpinned by continued strength on the heels of the strongest weekly turnabout in the euro in several months (the euro constitutes […]
Risk On Gauge Shifts With Many Markets At Tipping Points

Risk On Gauge Shifts With Many Markets At Tipping Points

Last week the equity markets had a remarkable reversal of fortune as the SPY and QQQ moved from breaking down under major institutional support levels such as their 50 moving averages, to rebounding to new all-time highs. Additionally, the MarketGauge Risk On / Risk Off gauge changed to green, and several major asset classes ended […]
The Rule Of 20 & The Risk To Passive

The Rule Of 20 & The Risk To Passive

“The following is an excerpt from this past weekend’s newsletter. I have several follow up articles coming over the next few weeks that will reference Byron Wien’s comments.” The Rule Of 20 Byron Wien recently asked the question of where we are in terms of the economy and the market to a group of high-end investors. To wit: […]
Varoufakis: The Book

Varoufakis: The Book

Detail of a fresco from the House of the Tragic Poet, Pompeii, 2nd century BC About a month ago, I finished reading former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis’ book “Adults in the Room”, subtitled “My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment”, and published by The Bodley Head. I started writing about it right away, but noticed […]
North Korea’s H-Bomb Rattles Monday’s Markets

North Korea’s H-Bomb Rattles Monday’s Markets

North Korea’s apparent test of a hydrogen bomb spurred a quick and fairly predictable response by investors, given that the US market was closed for the Labor Day holiday. The funding currencies, like the yen and Swiss franc, were bought back, gold rallied, and equities were sold.   While playing up the fact that all options, […]