Category Archive: Finance

This Was Real

This Was Real

There are some things that have happened in real life which, had you told someone not that far in the past, they would find it incredible. And I mean “incredible” in the literal sense  – not credible  – impossible  – beyond belief. Not simply “gosh, gee whiz.” For instance, teleport yourself back to the sprawling […]
Goldman Is Troubled By The Fed’s Growing Warnings About High Asset Prices

Goldman Is Troubled By The Fed’s Growing Warnings About High Asset Prices

With both the S&P, and global stock markets, closing last week at new all time highs, it is safe to say that any and all warnings about “froth”, and perhaps a bubble in the market, as all warnings about “froth have been ignored. And yet, as Goldman’s economist team writes over the weekend, the recent rise in warnings […]
Expect Dow Jones Above 22,000 In The Coming Weeks

Expect Dow Jones Above 22,000 In The Coming Weeks

However, it’s also been a long time since the Dow Jones has seen a double-digit advance. Not unexpectedly, the Dow Jones made new all-time highs on the last three trading days of the week. The number of BEV Zeros the Dow has made since the November election increases weekly. Since the elections, there have been […]
(In)stability In One Chart

(In)stability In One Chart

Some folks have begun to suspect that the coordinated hawkish rhetoric by DM central bankers which began to take on a new sense of urgency on June 27 in Sintra, Portugal might be tied to the pursuit of a “shadow” mandate. More colloquially, quite a few observers are convinced that the seemingly inexplicable hawkish tilt […]
Trading Support And Resistance – Sunday, July 16

Trading Support And Resistance – Sunday, July 16

This week we’ll begin with our monthly and weekly forecasts of the currency pairs worth watching. The first part of our forecast is based upon our research of the past 11 years of Forex prices, which show that the following methodologies have all produced profitable results: ·Trading the two currencies that are trending the most strongly over […]
Forex Strength And Comparison Week 29 / 2017

Forex Strength And Comparison Week 29 / 2017

In the Currency Strength table, the AUD was the strongest currency while the USD was the weakest. There were some significant changes last week with the AUD gaining 4 points and the USD, EUR, CHF losing 2 points. The other currencies remained around the same level of last week with a maximum change in the strength of just 1 […]
The 3 Hottest Market Trends Of Summer 2017

The 3 Hottest Market Trends Of Summer 2017

Although the focus of most financial sites and analysts is on banking stocks and all-time highs in the major U.S. indexes we are focused on different segments in the market. However, InvestingHaven readers know much better as they are informed of the hottest trends and breakouts as they arise (even before they arise). Our top 3 for summer […]
Next Target 2500

Next Target 2500

The S&P 500 Index (SPX) held the level everyone was watching and tweeting at 2400. Then it cleared the Twitter resistance level at 2450. Now, traders are tweeting 2500 as the next stop. Not only did SPX hold above support, it held above its uptrending sentiment line. This indicates we should continue to rally (probably […]
Wall Street & Yellen Finally Coming Around To Our Way Of Thinking

Wall Street & Yellen Finally Coming Around To Our Way Of Thinking

Well, among a host of data reports and political developments that came at us last week, among the most important was the fact that Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen finally copped to the fact that the domestic economy is indeed moderating. It’s a drum we’ve been banging for some time here at Tematica Research, and like the […]
Our Fake Economy

Our Fake Economy

Video length 00:16:12. Dr. Mark Thornton joins Mises Weekends to explain the “business cycle” for what it really is: a series of booms (credit expansion) and busts (debt de-leveraging) engineered by central banks. There’s nothing natural, real, or sustainable about the current Yellen boom—so stay tuned for Mark’s explanation of how it can all unravel.