Category Archive: Finance

SPY Expected Move Fade Trade

SPY Expected Move Fade Trade

Traders come back from Labor Day weekend hitting the sell button. In tonight’s video market update we look at the SPY weekly expected move being hit on the downside on the first trading day of the week. Watch the video for a timely trade set up you can put on tomorrow morning… Video Length – […]
The Three Faces Of Bitcoin

The Three Faces Of Bitcoin

After plunging 20% in the last few days from its $5000 highs – following China’s ICO bank, Bitcoin has bounced back to $440 today amid global turmoil… As reported earlier, Rick Rule, the billionaire Chief Executive Officer of Sprott Global Resources, noted in his recent interview with Crush The Street: Bitcoin to me is all positive… I’m a consumer of […]
Multiple Jobholders: Two Decades Of Trends As Of August

Multiple Jobholders: Two Decades Of Trends As Of August

What are the long-term trends for multiple jobholders in the US? The Bureau of Labor Statistics has two decades of historical data to enlighten us on that topic, courtesy of Table A-16 in the monthly Current Population Survey of households. At present, multiple jobholders account for just 4.5 percent of civilian employment. The survey captures data for […]
How Averaging Down Can Improve Your Dividend Income

How Averaging Down Can Improve Your Dividend Income

As a dividend investor we are for the main purpose income investors and should not be worried about the current price of the share price. A high share price gives you a good feeling but is not very helpful when it comes to buying more shares. A drop in the share price is bad for […]
A Pathetic Attempt To Justify A Bond Short

A Pathetic Attempt To Justify A Bond Short

For bond bears like myself, today was an ugly day. Fixed income prices ripped higher, egged on by continued escalations of the North Korea situation with an added dose of poor economic reports for good measure. Some dovish Fed talk was the icing on the cake, and there was no mercy shown for bond shorts. […]
Comprehensive Financial Planning – Explained

Comprehensive Financial Planning – Explained

From time to time, the question is asked of me: What exactly makes up a comprehensive financial planning engagement? A truly comprehensive financial planning engagement requires 10 to 15 hours of effort (or more) by the financial planner. What exactly makes up a comprehensive financial planning engagement? Each individual situation is going to be different, and […]
The Empire Strikes Back, Part 1 – At Bitcoin

The Empire Strikes Back, Part 1 – At Bitcoin

One of the uncertainties with cryptocurrencies has always been how governments would react once bitcoin and its kin got big enough to actually threaten the monopolies of national fiat currencies. That day seemed to be approaching as cryptocurrencies’ aggregate market cap blew through $100 billion and the pipeline of new bitcoin wannabes (initial coin offerings, […]
Global PMI Roundup; August 2017

Global PMI Roundup; August 2017

The first few days of any calendar month are now flooded with PMI data. Mostly due to Markit’s ongoing and increasing partnerships, we now have access to economic or business sentiment from and for almost anywhere in the world. It isn’t clear, however, if that is a good or useful development. For example, we can […]
Despite Hurricane Harvey, Gas Prices Are Still The Lowest In A Decade

Despite Hurricane Harvey, Gas Prices Are Still The Lowest In A Decade

Hurricane Harvey devastated the heart of U.S. oil production and refining. The refineries around Houston produce most of the gasoline we use in the U.S. And gasoline is the lifeblood of car-loving Americans. The storm in Texas shut down refineries. That reduced the supply of gasoline, which pushed up prices. On the West Coast, the […]
Hot Options Report For End Of Day – Tuesday, September 5

Hot Options Report For End Of Day – Tuesday, September 5