Category Archive: Finance

FitBit Files For IPO, Plans To Raise $100M

FitBit Files For IPO, Plans To Raise $100M

Wearable activity tracking company FitBit Inc announced plans to file for a $100 million IPO earlier this week. The impressive figure is bound to fluctuate, however, as the company markets itself to investors. FitBit was launched in 2007 by James Pary and Eric Freidman, and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. They also have a […]
Home Flipping Profits Hit Record As Wall Street Drives Speculation (Again)

Home Flipping Profits Hit Record As Wall Street Drives Speculation (Again)

Back in March, we were thrilled to discover that becoming a real estate speculator is easier than we thought. Although bank financing may have dried up post-crisis, it turns out BlackStone (BLK) and a whole host of other PE firms will gladly loan credit-worthy borrowers money to accumulate distressed single-family properties. These newly-minted “investor-landlords” will likely have […]
Tesla – Mad Science At Its Best

Tesla – Mad Science At Its Best

Elon Musk has made headlines over the last few years with high-end, electric Tesla (TSLA) car models. The Roadster and S models come fully equipped with touch-screen center console panels, luxury interiors, and sports performance and acceleration. Stock prices have seen spikes and drops in recent years, but they have remained generally high as the […]
Buffett Takes A Page From The “Inflation King’s” Playbook

Buffett Takes A Page From The “Inflation King’s” Playbook

by James Rickards, Daily Reckoning Hugo Stinnes is practically unknown today, but this was not always the case. In the early 1920s, he was the wealthiest man in Germany, at a time when the country was the world’s third largest economy. He was a prominent industrialist and investor with diverse holdings in Germany and abroad. Chancellors […]
Chart Of The Day: So Much For The ‘Great Moderation’

Chart Of The Day: So Much For The ‘Great Moderation’

    A study published last month by the Bank for International Settlements shows the evidence that worldwide financial crises have been amplifying both in terms of their overall magnitude and relative to the real economic cycles.
Tesla Motors Inc. Deal Confusingly Sends Riviera Tool Company Up 12,000%

Tesla Motors Inc. Deal Confusingly Sends Riviera Tool Company Up 12,000%

The report that Tesla Motors Inc (TSLA) acquired Riviera Tool, an automotive supplier based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, caused market confusion and sent a penny stock as much as 12,000% higher.   Investors bought the shares of Riviera Tool Company, which is trading on the pink sheets market as RIVT. The RIVT stock was worth […]
Week In Review: Xinbang Pharma Acquires Chinese Peptide Co. For $323 Million

Week In Review: Xinbang Pharma Acquires Chinese Peptide Co. For $323 Million

Deals and Financings Guizhou Xinbang Pharmaceutical (SHE: 002390) paid $323 million to acquire Chinese Peptide Company, located in Hangzhou, from the nine companies that owned it (see story). In addition, Xinbang raised as much as $106 million, which it will use to expand CPC’s peptide production capacity. Founded in 1997, CPC describes itself as a high-quality, […]
Income Inequality Is Costing the U.S. on Social Issues

Income Inequality Is Costing the U.S. on Social Issues

Thirty-five years ago, the United States ranked 13th among the 34 industrialized nations that are today in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in terms of life expectancy for newborn girls. These days, it ranks 29th. In 1980, the infant mortality rate in the United States was about the same as in Germany. Today, […]
Shared Solar Tries Again To Light Up CT

Shared Solar Tries Again To Light Up CT

Saared solar, a concept that could make solar power available to the 80 percent of homes in Connecticut that are otherwise unsuited for it, appears headed for another rocky run through the state legislature. Last year a bill authorizing shared solar melted down in end-of-session dramatics marked by bickering and finger-pointing over who was to […]
2016 Race: Fixing our dysfunctional, unfair, economy-strangling tax system must be top GOP priority

2016 Race: Fixing our dysfunctional, unfair, economy-strangling tax system must be top GOP priority

Our country is in trouble and the American people know it. The economy, despite improvements here and there, remains sluggish. We’ve never had such a punk recovery from a sharp economic downturn in our history. Incomes are stagnant, and millions of people have either dropped out of the labor force or have been forced to […]