Category Archive: Finance

10 Strategies for Surviving a Cash Flow Slump

10 Strategies for Surviving a Cash Flow Slump

Maybe you haven’t had the earnings you projected you would this year. Maybe some key invoices are still unpaid and you’re getting panicky. Fear not — you’re not alone. To learn how to navigate a cash-flow slump, we asked 10 entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following: “What’s one strategy you used successfully […]
Did You Give Thanks this Weekend for the Fed’s Easy Money Policy?

Did You Give Thanks this Weekend for the Fed’s Easy Money Policy?

Reflecting on this past Thanksgiving weekend, there was a lot to be thankful for, especially if you have been long in the stock market for the past four years. Now is a time for reflection. The advance in the stock market has been stellar following the bottom in March 2009. The S&P 500 is up 171% since […]
Millennials: It’s Not Too Late to Plan for an Early Retirement

Millennials: It’s Not Too Late to Plan for an Early Retirement

The alarm buzzes. You hit snooze a few times before stumbling your way into the bathroom, wishing you could do something — anything — other than go in to work. Pasting a smile on your face and mumbling “good morning” to your coworkers, you settle into your desk for yet another day of gazing at […]
Are You Earning Too Little?

Are You Earning Too Little?

Underearners can overcome their low incomes by making some big life changes. Personal finance author Barbara Stanny realized she was earning too little money when she interviewed women bringing home six figures or more for one of her books. “Of the first 15, three of them were writers. It was such an empowering thing for […]
Poll: Older Americans Say ‘No’ to Social Security Changes

Poll: Older Americans Say ‘No’ to Social Security Changes

CHICAGO — Raise the age at which you can begin collecting full Social Security benefits? Older Americans say no. They also veto reductions in the cost-of-living increase. But a poll finds support among those 50 and older for raising the cap on earnings that are taxed to fund the Social Security program so higher-income workers pay more. […]
Why 65 Is Too Young to Retire

Why 65 Is Too Young to Retire

The magical age 65 that signaled retirement time for our parents might not hold true for the baby boomer generation. Sure the idea is appealing to call it quits before we are too old to appreciate and enjoy our second act. But the reality may be that 65 is just too young to retire. Some […]
8 Things Recent Grads Waste Money On

8 Things Recent Grads Waste Money On

Kasey Trenum purchased six bottles of laundry detergent, four bottles of fabric softener and two boxes of dryer sheets–all for  less than $8. “Everybody needs laundry detergent, and that’s one thing that can blow your budget,” she says. Trenum achieved this feat by buying when her favorite brand was on sale rather than when her […]
To Trust a Bull or to Trust a Bear?

To Trust a Bull or to Trust a Bear?

    When it comes to bulls and bears, only a fool would want to be face to face with one. Considering the fact that either one of these two beasts could pulverize us without a second thought, it is kind of ironic to think that we use these terms to describe the climate of […]
Obamacare’s effect on low-wage workers

Obamacare’s effect on low-wage workers

Before Obamacare, American healthcare was out of reach for most low-income citizens. Obama implemented a new system in which government sponsored healthcare could cost anywhere from 5%-10% of a person’s total income. The average American restaurant workers’ salary comes in at a mere $21,000. Even 10% of this, $2,100, could be too much for a […]