Category Archive: Finance

Shared Solar Tries Again To Light Up CT

Shared Solar Tries Again To Light Up CT

Saared solar, a concept that could make solar power available to the 80 percent of homes in Connecticut that are otherwise unsuited for it, appears headed for another rocky run through the state legislature. Last year a bill authorizing shared solar melted down in end-of-session dramatics marked by bickering and finger-pointing over who was to […]
2016 Race: Fixing our dysfunctional, unfair, economy-strangling tax system must be top GOP priority

2016 Race: Fixing our dysfunctional, unfair, economy-strangling tax system must be top GOP priority

Our country is in trouble and the American people know it. The economy, despite improvements here and there, remains sluggish. We’ve never had such a punk recovery from a sharp economic downturn in our history. Incomes are stagnant, and millions of people have either dropped out of the labor force or have been forced to […]
Ways to slash your monthly expenses

Ways to slash your monthly expenses

It can often seem like your monthly income flows right back out. If you feel like your money is gone before you even have a chance to choose where it goes, you may need to get a handle on your finances. Regular monthly expenses can fill your budget easily, leaving less money to spend now […]
No dogs allowed: San Francisco’s pet housing crisis

No dogs allowed: San Francisco’s pet housing crisis

The housing crunch in San Francisco isn’t just forcing out lower income renters, it’s forcing out Fido, too. According to San Francisco animal welfare nonprofit SF SPCA, there’s been a surge in owners abandoning their pets due to an inability to find pet-friendly housing. Over the last year, one in four people who left pets […]
The Only 3 Things You Need to Know About Money and Happiness

The Only 3 Things You Need to Know About Money and Happiness

The final word on whether money truly makes people happier still eludes us. But here’s what we know so far. Maybe you’ve watched Citizen Kane recently—or just heard the truism that “money doesn’t buy happiness.” Either way, you may not be surprised by a new study showing that more income doesn’t seem to make people […]
Will 2015 Be Any Better? Ten Numbers to Watch

Will 2015 Be Any Better? Ten Numbers to Watch

Enough with the debate over whether 2014 was a bad year (Islamic State, Ebola, Crimea) or a good year (homicide rates are falling). Time to take a look at the shiny new coin in the palms of our hands: 2015. How will it measure up? Here are 10 numbers to watch: U.S. unemployment rate in […]
How Holiday Shopping Can Help You With Home Shopping

How Holiday Shopping Can Help You With Home Shopping

When holiday shopping heats up, home shopping cools down. December is consistently one of the slowest home sales months of the year, according to real estate website It’s almost as if consumers don’t have enough mental bandwidth to focus on both at the same time. But if you hope to buy a house in […]
4 Black Friday scams to avoid

4 Black Friday scams to avoid

You may have heard about the typical tricks retailers use on Black Friday — marking up prices just to mark them down, for example — but you may not know about other possible rip-offs that threaten to spoil your savings. Here are some scams that have the potential to turn the best day of the […]
Spotify responds to Taylor Swift: We pay more than $2 billion in royalties

Spotify responds to Taylor Swift: We pay more than $2 billion in royalties

Taylor Swift has criticized streaming services like Spotify for not sharing enough of its revenues with musicians. On Tuesday, Spotify chief executive Daniel Ek responded, saying that that streaming service is paying more than $2 billion in royalties. Ek defended the streaming service, calling it the fastest-growing source of new revenues for the music industry. “We started […]
The 5 Biggest Money Mistakes People Make

The 5 Biggest Money Mistakes People Make

Are you in debt? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you and your family have a plan for what you’d do if one of you lost a job? Do financial pressures take a toll on your marriage? Does every day feel like you’re on a runaway train? Dr. Phil shares what he believes are […]