Category Archive: Finance, No picture

Trade Update On These 3 Stocks: AMZN, MSFT And AAPL

Trade Update On These 3 Stocks: AMZN, MSFT And AAPL

In tonight’s video, I discuss key support levels for /ES and /NQ in play as the market rallies up away from daily chart support targets. I follow-up on bullish bounce trades discussed last week in AMZN, MSFT, and AAPL. Note the key levels and adjust open trades accordingly this week. Video Length: 00:08:47
Demographic Trends For The 50-And-Older Work Force – Tuesday, Sept. 11

Demographic Trends For The 50-And-Older Work Force – Tuesday, Sept. 11

Note: This commentary has been updated with the latest numbers from last week’s Employment Report. Our earlier update on demographic trends in employment included a chart illustrating the growth (or shrinkage) in six age cohorts since the turn of the century. In this commentary, we’ll zoom in on the age 50 and older Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR). […]
Rate Hike Odds Into Next Year And A Recap Of End Of Cycle Data

Rate Hike Odds Into Next Year And A Recap Of End Of Cycle Data

Marc Chandler, Global Head Of Currency Strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman and the editor of the great blog shares his thoughts on the recent data we have seen out of the US. The jobs data from last week was strong on the wage inflation front which is driving further rate hiking expectations. We look […]
$300 Billion Cash Repatriated In Q1, GS Expects Eventual $1Trillion In Buybacks

$300 Billion Cash Repatriated In Q1, GS Expects Eventual $1Trillion In Buybacks

In response to the Trump tax cuts, corporations are repatriating record levels of cash. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act encouraged the repatriation of profits, which had been subject to additional U.S. levies after it was brought home. In response to the Trump tax cuts, there was a Dramatic Rise in Corporate Cash Brought Home in 2018. […]
U.S. Workforce Recovery – Tuesday, Sept. 11

U.S. Workforce Recovery – Tuesday, Sept. 11

We’ve updated our monthly workforce analysis to include last week’s Employment Report for August. The unemployment rate remained at 3.9%, and the number of new nonfarm jobs (a relatively volatile number subject to extensive revisions) came in at 201K. The Unemployment Rate The closely watched headline unemployment rate is a calculation of the percentage of the Civilian […]
Capitulation Between Gold And Gold Stocks

Capitulation Between Gold And Gold Stocks

David Erfle, Founder of The Junior Miner Junky joins me to discuss the capitulation in gold stock compared to the gold price. A potential slingshot move is mentioned but there are some key levels that GDX would have to break through to turn more investors bullish. (Audio length 00:10:24)
5 Staffing Stocks To Benefit From U.S. Employment Growth

5 Staffing Stocks To Benefit From U.S. Employment Growth

Employment in the United States jumped more than expected in August with blue and white collar industries adding adequate jobs. Notably, jobs were added in professional and business services, healthcare, transportation and warehousing, wholesale trade and mining. The country’s job market remained optimistic despite President Donald Trump’s protectionist trade policies resulting in uncertainties. Employers shrugged […]
Job Openings Hit New Record: More Openings Than Job Seekers Since March

Job Openings Hit New Record: More Openings Than Job Seekers Since March

Job openings hit a new record high. Since March, the number of openings has exceeded the number of people looking. Inquiring minds are investigating the latest Job Openings and Labor Turnover (JOLTS) report from the BLS. Job Openings On the last business day of July, the job openings level was little changed but reached a new series […]
Inflation Is Close To The 3% Deleterious Level For Stocks

Inflation Is Close To The 3% Deleterious Level For Stocks

The longer inflation remains subdued, the longer this expansion lasts. The question here is simple – Are equities over- or undervalued with current inflation values? Here’s a look. (For bottom-liners – with the today’s inflation readings close to 3%, stocks will be teetering for the next couple of years. That is, unless inflation subsides.) Country Y/Y CPI Y/Y […]
Gold Price Rebound Mired By String Of Lower Highs And Lows

Gold Price Rebound Mired By String Of Lower Highs And Lows

Gold slips to a fresh monthly-low ($1188) as the U.S. dollar remains bid following the U.S. Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) report, and the precious metal remains vulnerable to further losses ahead of the Federal Reserve’s meeting as it extends the string of lower highs & lows carried over from the previous week. GOLD PRICE REBOUND MIRED BY STRING OF […]