Category Archive: Finance, No picture

From Democracy To Technocracy

From Democracy To Technocracy

During the recent congressional hearings, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the Senate intelligence committee’s vice chairman, said, “The era of the wild west in social media is coming to an end.” Congress, he said, will have to take action. “Where we go from here is an open question.” More hearings are clearly in the offing, and […]
From Synchronized Growth To Renewed Divergence And A Rubicon That Will Be Crossed

From Synchronized Growth To Renewed Divergence And A Rubicon That Will Be Crossed

Heraclitus, the ancient Greek philosopher of change, is said to have taught that one cannot step in the same river twice. So too it seems that the international political economy is always in a state of flux; becoming, never being. The synchronized global upturn appears to be giving way to renewed divergence. It is hardly surprising […]
Euro Forecast: ECB Meeting Eyed, Even If Policy Is On Preset Course

Euro Forecast: ECB Meeting Eyed, Even If Policy Is On Preset Course

  Fundamental Forecast for EUR/USD: Neutral The Euro finished in the middle of the pack last week, with EUR/JPY, EUR/USD, and EUR/CHF leading to the downside – a sign that risk appetite is deteriorating. Thursday’s ECB meeting should bring little new information as policy was preset for the next year back at the June meeting; a mention of European banks’ exposure to […]
Canada’s Failing Energy Strategy

Canada’s Failing Energy Strategy

On July 6, 2013, 47 residents of Lac-Megantic, Quebec died horribly when a 74-car freight train carrying crude oil exploded in a fireball. It was the deadliest freight-train accident in Canadian history. Five bodies were never recovered and were assumed to have simply vaporized. DNA samples were required to identify others. Heat from the inferno was felt […]
                        Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina

E Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina

The dollar fell Thursday because of talks initiated between Britain and Germany to set the terms for British exit from the European Union. The hope of a reasonable outcome boosted both sterling and euro, which are priced against the dollar. Also hurting the Greenback was a nearly 50-year low in applications for unemployment benefits, at […]
Sept. 8th 2018 Week In Review: How Trump’s Policies Moved Stocks

Sept. 8th 2018 Week In Review: How Trump’s Policies Moved Stocks

Catch up on the top industries and stocks that were impacted, or were predicted to be impacted, by the comments, actions and policies of President Trump and his administration with this weekly recap compiled by The Fly: 1. NEW YORK TIMES OP-ED: On Wednesday, President Trump denounced what he referred to as a “gutless editorial” […]
Sept. 8th Week In Review: How Trump’s Policies Moved Stocks

Sept. 8th Week In Review: How Trump’s Policies Moved Stocks

Catch up on the top industries and stocks that were impacted, or were predicted to be impacted, by the comments, actions and policies of President Trump and his administration with this weekly recap compiled by The Fly: 1. NEW YORK TIMES OP-ED: On Wednesday, President Trump denounced what he referred to as a “gutless editorial” […]
The Dangerous Myth Of Deregulation Trump

The Dangerous Myth Of Deregulation Trump

  Trump and his appointees are on a binge of deregulation that masks another kind of trickle-down economics, where the gains go to the top and the rest of us bear the risks and losses. They say getting rid of regulations frees up businesses to be more profitable. Maybe. But regulations also protect you and […]
The Dangerous Myth Of Deregulation

The Dangerous Myth Of Deregulation

  Trump and his appointees are on a binge of deregulation that masks another kind of trickle-down economics, where the gains go to the top and the rest of us bear the risks and losses. They say getting rid of regulations frees up businesses to be more profitable. Maybe. But regulations also protect you and […]