Gold And The Coming Collapse: Are We Close To A Major Monetary Event?

Gold And The Coming Collapse: Are We Close To A Major Monetary Event?

It really should be clear that a major international banking crisis is inevitable, and likely to occur fairly soon. Due to the extreme debt levels, many banks are close to that point of failure. An event like a stock market crash is likely to push many banks to that point of failure, since the pressure […]
Disaster Capitalism

Disaster Capitalism

This morning, we posted excerpts from Goldman’s latest projections on the likely economic impact from Hurricane Harvey. In a response to the tweet that accompanied that post, Notes From Disgracedland’s Bjarne Knausgaard (who regular readers will recall pens some of the best political/economic color around) wrote the following: As Irma Hits, A ‘Disastrous’ Econ Retrospective — Walter White (@heisenbergrpt) […]
Debt Ceiling Eliminated?

Debt Ceiling Eliminated?

There was yet another twist in the debt ceiling debate as President Trump’s meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer has led to an additional agreement. President Trump wants to eliminate the debt ceiling completely. This has been a talking point the progressives have used for years so it’s not surprising to see the Democratic […]
Emerging Markets: Preview For The Week Of Sept. 11

Emerging Markets: Preview For The Week Of Sept. 11

EM FX ended the week on a mixed note, but still capped off a strong week overall.US data this week could challenge the market’s dovish take on the Fed. For now, though, the global liquidity outlook still seems to favor further gains in EM. China should report August new loan and money supply data this […]
The Oil And Water Business

The Oil And Water Business

It’s seldom appreciated outside the energy industry, but drilling for oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs) involves handling far more water than hydrocarbons. This isn’t just because production often involves pumping water into a well. Water is usually present naturally, and comes up with the oil and gas that is produced. Ideally in […]
GBP: Advance Against USD Set To Continue

GBP: Advance Against USD Set To Continue

Talking Points: GBP/USD looks set to challenge the 2017 high at 1.3267 set on August 3 but the Pound could struggle to make ground against the Euro and the Japanese Yen. The Bank of England will likely keep all its monetary policy settings unchanged Thursday. It’s a big week for UK data, with inflation, jobs and earnings all on […]
The Stock And Gold Markets: One’s Looking Good, The Other Not So Good

The Stock And Gold Markets: One’s Looking Good, The Other Not So Good

The Dow Jones’ last all-time high (BEV Zero) was on August 7, and as for much of the past year, the Dow continues refusing to correct more than just a few percentage points, if that. Come this December, it will be two years since the Dow Jones has corrected anywhere near its BEV -7.5% red […]
The Real Euro Watch

The Real Euro Watch

Everyone is now a euro watcher. The European common currency’s exchange value against the dollar has been on the rise, to put it mildly. Despite decades of declaring floating currencies the optimal framework, it really is quite entertaining to watch the furor when these things actually float one way or the other. This recent trend […]
Deutsche: “Recession Risk Is The Highest In Ten Years; It’s Time For The Fed To Pause Tightening”

Deutsche: “Recession Risk Is The Highest In Ten Years; It’s Time For The Fed To Pause Tightening”

Even before Harvey and Irma were set to punish Texas and Florida, erasing at least 0.4% GDP from Q3 GDP according to BofA and costing hundreds of billions in damages (contrary to the best broken window fallacy, the lost invested capital more than offsets the “flow” benefits from new spending, which is why the US does not […]
Weekly Forex Forecast – Sunday, Sept. 10

Weekly Forex Forecast – Sunday, Sept. 10

EUR/USD The EUR/USD pair rallied during the week, breaking above the 1.20 level. By closing above that level, it’s a very bullish sign and I think that short-term pullbacks will probably be buying opportunities. However, be careful, as we are most certainly overextended. I believe that eventually we go to the 1.25 handle. USD/CAD The […]