Just How Transitory Is The Deceleration In Inflation?

E Just How Transitory Is The Deceleration In Inflation?

Every time the monthly inflation numbers are released, central bankers seem to have an excuse for why their inflation targets are not met.  The Bank of Canada raised its overnight rate last week in defiance of declining inflation rates. The Bank’s Governor Poloz cited that inflation was held down by “temporary “ factors, i.e. a […]
A 3-Word Explanation For Desperate Dollar Doldrums

A 3-Word Explanation For Desperate Dollar Doldrums

Listen, here’s the thing… judging by my inbox, there are at least four readers who did not appreciate my three-word explanation for why the dollar is in the doldrums. Here’s that explanation, as presented in Friday’s “The Week In Charts” post: Too much treason. Besides being hilarious, that is in fact the reason for this: […]
Trading Support And Resistance – Sunday, July 23

Trading Support And Resistance – Sunday, July 23

This week we’ll begin with our monthly and weekly forecasts of the currency pairs worth watching. The first part of our forecast is based upon our research of the past 11 years of Forex prices, which show that the following methodologies have all produced profitable results: · Trading the two currencies that are trending the most strongly […]
5 Things I Look For In Exploration Companies

5 Things I Look For In Exploration Companies

Three months ago (April) we covered the reasons we primarily invest in junior exploration companies. We promised to follow up with some criteria we follow in attempting to pick winners. Here are five things we look for when evaluating and selecting junior exploration companies. Management has a track record and experience. There is a decent number of […]
Major New Market Trends Brewing? Watch The Dollar And Euro

Major New Market Trends Brewing? Watch The Dollar And Euro

t has been very quiet in recent months in markets. Almost every market has been moving without major volatility. That could be ending soon, though, with new major market trends triggered by the two leading currencies: the Euro and the U.S. Dollar. This thesis and, in general, our market vision, is based on what we tend to callintermarket dynamics. […]
Biotech Bull Is Back: 4 Keys To Play It

Biotech Bull Is Back: 4 Keys To Play It

Since the biotechnology bubble burst in 2015, resulting in a 40% bear market, something has been building that I’ve been waiting several quarters for — a resumption of the great, long-term bull market. This week, the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index ETF [IBB] surmounted a closing level that takes back half of its losses. I think we […]
Market Overbought

Market Overbought

Last week, sector sentiment gleaned from the Twitter stream had every sector positive. When this occurs a short term market top materializes usually within the following week. Once in a while, the sectors will paint another week with all of them in positive territory, then the top comes. Basically, when every sector is being bought […]
USD/CAD Forecast July 24-28

USD/CAD Forecast July 24-28

The Canadian dollar rally continued last week, as USD/CAD dropped close to 100 points. The pair closed at 1.2535, its lowest weekly close since June 2015. This week’s key event is GDP. Here is an outlook on the major market-movers and an updated technical analysis for USD/CAD. The Canadian dollar shrugged off weak inflation numbers, as CPI declined 0.1%, […]
Venezuela Will Be The First Sovereign Oil Producer To See An “All-Out Collapse”

Venezuela Will Be The First Sovereign Oil Producer To See An “All-Out Collapse”

Venezuela’s anti-government protests are growing increasingly violent, with the death toll from clashes between protesters and government forces that began in May topping 100. Despite the country’s increasing political instability, and US President Donald Trump’s half-serious threats of an invasion, President Nicolas Maduro has decided to press ahead with his vote to create a rubberstamp […]
WTI Crude Weekly Gain Slips As Supply Concern And OPEC Doubts Rise

WTI Crude Weekly Gain Slips As Supply Concern And OPEC Doubts Rise

Fundamental Forecast for USOIL: Bearish You have likely heard that Oil is lower and pressure remains on price due to oversupply. However, the reasons and anecdotes pointing to the remaining supply problems are evolving. A report from Petro-Logistics on Friday morning showed OPEC output appears set to rise again. The report showed OPEC output is likely […]