Wal-Mart In Advanced Discussions To Buy Online Men’s Fashion Retailer Bonobos

Wal-Mart In Advanced Discussions To Buy Online Men’s Fashion Retailer Bonobos

According to sources familiar with the matter, retail behemoth Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) is in advanced talks to acquire fashion retailer Bonobos.
Recent Stock Purchase April 2017

Recent Stock Purchase April 2017

Well, it’s been almost a full month since my last ‘recent stock purchase’ has been posted and it’s not for lack of finding stocks to invest in, rather, just watching the market move in a very aimless direction has made it a bit of a challenge in deciding where to make my buy. Another way […]
EUR – Headed For 1.05

EUR – Headed For 1.05

The main focus next week will be on the French Presidential election and the euro. Incoming polls will have a direct impact on how the euro trades and will overshadow the April PMI reports, which are normally the most important pieces of data released from the Eurozone each month. Even after Friday’s disappointing U.S. economic […]
Serious Fun With Phillips

Serious Fun With Phillips

At the end of February, FRBNY President Bill Dudley made what was a widely shared remark that “animal spirits had been unleashed.” Confidence of just this sort is exactly what monetary policy is after, using all kinds of tools by which to get people happy about the future. According to rational expectations theory, which guides […]
“Reflation” Is Officially Dead: Core CPI Tumbles For The First Time In Over Seven Years

“Reflation” Is Officially Dead: Core CPI Tumbles For The First Time In Over Seven Years

The reflation trade is officially over. At the same time that retail sales posted the worst 2 month drop in 2 years, CPI – the bedrock behind the Fed’s rate hiking intentions – just hit a brick wall, and after months of headline CPI growth mostly the back of the energy “base effect”, in March […]
Silver Price Close To Major Breakout

Silver Price Close To Major Breakout

The price of silver is as close as it can be to a major breakout point. Silver could start a tactical bull market once it goes higher from here, and remains above $19 for 3 consecutive weeks. However, readers should not confuse a major breakout with a secular breakout. A major breakout indicates that a tactical […]
Gold Breakout & False Signals From GDXJ?

Gold Breakout & False Signals From GDXJ?

Gold broke key resistance at $1262 (the 200-day moving average) as well as important resistance at $1278. It could reach $1300-$1310 on this move. Meanwhile, the GDXJ ETF has grown too big and Bloomberg highlighted this issue which may be causing artificial and not fundamental weakness. Lastly, Gold is showing increasing relative strength. Video Length […]
Trading Successfully In Spite Of The Current Market Conditions

Trading Successfully In Spite Of The Current Market Conditions

“In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.” – Robert Arnott Are you a financial market trader, or are you looking at entering the market? It is fairly obvious by now that the current global socio-economic and geopolitical instability is here to stay, for the foreseeable future at any rate. Consequently, to navigate the complexities […]
Dollar Snaps Two-Week Advance, While Japanese Investors Resume Repatriating Funds

Dollar Snaps Two-Week Advance, While Japanese Investors Resume Repatriating Funds

The US dollar suffered broadly last week. It fell against the all major currencies and most of the emerging market currencies. There were two main drivers. The first was the heightened geopolitical risks. The US launched a missile strike against Syria’s government forces in retaliation for its use of chemical weapons. The US also dropped […]