The Door Is Open, Will The Bears Take The Bait?

The Door Is Open, Will The Bears Take The Bait?

After nearly 4 months of complacency, a few definitive signs of volatility may truly be emerging. The S&P 100 today opened with 95 decliners, first time we have seen this since early November. Moreover, the XLF sold off a bit today with bonds selling off as well. Lastly, we shall build a bullish spread in the […]
March 7th Daily Trading Opportunities

March 7th Daily Trading Opportunities

During the session on Tuesday, we get GDP numbers coming out of the European Union, German Factory Orders, PMI numbers coming out of Canada, and several other mid-level announcements. Because of this, we could see a bit of volatility. DAX The German index fell a bit during the day on Monday, but continues to find […]
Status Quo

Status Quo

There wasn’t a whole lot of change in markets with the Russell 2000 edging back to support. Small Caps remains the most vulnerable to an increase in profit taking with the 50-day MA playing as the last line of support. If there is a loss in such support watch for it to spread to other […]
Stocks And Precious Metals Charts – The Wind In The Wires Made A Tattle-tale Sound

Stocks And Precious Metals Charts – The Wind In The Wires Made A Tattle-tale Sound

Stocks were off a bit for most of the day as traders continued to ‘digest’ the recent run up in equity prices that culminated in the SNAP IPO.   As a reminder, there will be a Non-Farm Payrolls report this Friday for the month of February. The next week the markets fully expect the FOMC […]
Exports Only Matter Because They Let Us Import

Exports Only Matter Because They Let Us Import

Among economics data watchers, a country’s exports enjoy a hallowed status. The ability of producers in country A to sell goods and services to people in other countries is taken as a sign of A’s economic strength, although the underlying metric for economic strength goes unmentioned. In addition, job counters across the spectrum constantly count […]
If You Believe There Was Too Much Money During The Monetary Panic, Then Why Not Heroin

If You Believe There Was Too Much Money During The Monetary Panic, Then Why Not Heroin

November 2008 was an extremely busy month for authorities in the US. The financial markets had just undergone panic the month before, but rather than dissipate there were lingering indications that all was not yet over. On November 23, 2008, the Treasury Department, the FDIC, and the Federal Reserve issued a joint statement on Citigroup. […]
Snap, Crackle, & Drop: “Hottest IPO” Crashes As Bull Market Celebrates 8th Birthday

Snap, Crackle, & Drop: “Hottest IPO” Crashes As Bull Market Celebrates 8th Birthday

Judging by today’s VIX crush and USD/JPY ramp, this was the sound coming from The Eccles Building… 8 years ago today, the S&P 500 bottomed at 666…S&P earnings are up 78% since then.. and the S&P is up 247% The Dow bottomed on 03/09/09 at 6547 – 30Y yields were at 3.57%; The Dow is […]


It only took three days as a public company to do so, but 100% of the public buyers of SNAP have now lost money. (And if you mention the $17 offer price, you have no clue what you’re talking about). The stock’sprice and the company’s user base will have something in common soon – – both […]
3 Stocks To Watch That Report Earnings Tomorrow – Tuesday, March 7

3 Stocks To Watch That Report Earnings Tomorrow – Tuesday, March 7

Urban Outfitters (URBN): About a month ago, Urban Outfitters reported preliminary sales results for the fourth quarter and full year fiscal 2017. In the three months ending January 31, net sales increased 2% from a year earlier to $1.03 billion. Comparable retail sales, including booming direct to consumer channels, came in flat largely on lower retailer […]
Bond Market Dancing To A Different Tune Than Equities

Bond Market Dancing To A Different Tune Than Equities

Whenever we see trends in the market we immediately look for confirming data points. With the impressive rise in equity markets since the election, we look at the bond market to see if there is agreement on all this bullishness. There isn’t. “The bond market is taking a totally different view from the equity market. […]