Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts – Grifters, Conmen, And Grafters

Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts – Grifters, Conmen, And Grafters

“What good is it, brethren, if someone claims to have faith but does not perform acts of love? Can this kind of faith save them? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacks food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go with God, keep warm and eat well,’ but do not help them at […]
End Of Forex Exchange Fees Via Bitcoin-Like App? What’s The Downside?

End Of Forex Exchange Fees Via Bitcoin-Like App? What’s The Downside?

Trading dollars for euros, Yen, Icelandic króna, or any other currencies typically involves hefty conversion fees. Those fees soar at airport currency exchange counters. A new Goldman-Barclays app that uses the Bitcoin blockchain algorithm may reduce or eliminate those exchange fees. When that happens, currency exchange counters, now common all over Europe will soon vanish. […]
Ranks And Rates Of Oil Industry Stocks

Ranks And Rates Of Oil Industry Stocks

Don’t look now, but we are seeing some decent signs of a recovery in the Energy sector and commodities more generally. Crude prices jumped today on news of a diminishing US stockpile. Of course, given the fact that last week saw news that the glut of crude within the US was at its highest level […]
U.S. Oil Production Continues To Drop In Latest EIA Report

U.S. Oil Production Continues To Drop In Latest EIA Report

We had nearly a 5 Million drawdown in Oil Inventories during what is technically still the building season for oil stocks. (Video length 00:14:35)
                        When This Time Is Different Meets This Time Is Different

E When This Time Is Different Meets This Time Is Different

What happens when the four most dangerous words in the investment language applies to two diametrically opposed viewpoints? Something’s gotta give. The Wall Street axiom “Don’t fight the Fed” has served investors and traders well for decades. To go against this advisory phrase is to implicitly say “this time is different”. Valuation history tells that […]
Great Action All Around As We Round Hump Day

Great Action All Around As We Round Hump Day

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” –Jim Rohn A solid day indeed. Monday I showed the trend we’ve had for a while now of early week weakness followed by strength to close the week out […]
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts – Squiggling In The Trend Channels

SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts – Squiggling In The Trend Channels

A drawdown in crude oil and a divided Fed minutes helped stocks to rally off support today. After the bell, Bed Bath & Beyond beat their modest expectations and said they would start paying a dividends, which helped spark a rally in the afterhours. Let’s see if they can keep this going. Have a pleasant […]
What Is Driving CarMax’s Earnings This Quarter?

What Is Driving CarMax’s Earnings This Quarter?

Photo Credit: Theron Trowbridge CarMax, Inc. (KMX) Consumer Discretionary – Specialty Retail | Reports April 7, Before Market Opens Key Takeaways: The Estimize consensus is forecasting EPS of $0.71 and revenue of $3.68 billion, right in line with Wall Street’s estimates CarMax focus on used-vehicles and location expansion could give them an upper hand on the competition […]
Frisky Yen Upsets Japan’s Gosplan

Frisky Yen Upsets Japan’s Gosplan

It Wasn’t Supposed to Do That… When you’re a central banker in a pure fiat money system and even your ability to print your own currency into oblivion is questioned by the markets, you really have a problem. This is actually funny on quite a number of levels if one thinks about it a bit… […]
January 2015 Philly Fed Coincident Index Continues Slowing Rate Of Year-over-Year Growth Trend

January 2015 Philly Fed Coincident Index Continues Slowing Rate Of Year-over-Year Growth Trend

The year-over-year rate of growth of the US Coincident Index again declined – but this month insignificantly. A comparison of this US Coincident Index with the Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti business conditions index, Conference Board Coincident Index, ECRI’s Coincident Index, and the Chicago Fed National Activity Index follows. Economic indicators that coincide with economic movements are coincident indicators. […]