Are Financial Markets On The Eve Of Another Global Crisis?

Are Financial Markets On The Eve Of Another Global Crisis?

Talking Points: Global risk/reward mismatch at root of 2007-09 global crisis Bond yield spreads help show when vulnerabilities can form Pre-crisis conditions similar to 2007 emerged again in 2013 What are DailyFX analysts’ expectations for the Dollar, Equities, Gold and Oil for the Second Quarter? See our forecast to find out! In the years following the Great Recession – the global […]
7 Best Mid Cap Stocks To Invest In Now

7 Best Mid Cap Stocks To Invest In Now

Value stocks are now getting back in favor. It has been almost 7 years of growth and momentum leading the value in returns. This year we have seen significant capital move out of growth and into value. If you are an investor seeking great value investments but you are not fully confident of buying small […]
S&P Intrinsic Value Rises To 2,048

S&P Intrinsic Value Rises To 2,048

“Davidson” submits: There is nothing from my perspective to argue about our economic trends since 2009. The trends continue higher with employment hitting new highs, 246,000 added to the March Household Survey, vehicle sales continue at record levels, 17.1 March SAAR (Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate) and the Dallas Fed 12mo Trimmed Mean PCE for Feb […]
Asian Development Outlook 2016: Growth Outlook

Asian Development Outlook 2016: Growth Outlook

Continued weak recovery in major industrial economies and softer growth prospects for the People’s Republic of China combine to slow growth across much of developing Asia. This article was first published by the Asian Development Bank (
                        Forex Ranking, Rating And Score: Month Of April

E Forex Ranking, Rating And Score: Month Of April

Welcome to my “Forex Ranking and Rating list” article for the coming month. See also my article “Forex Strength and Comparison” for this month. When looking at the Top 10 in the Monthly Ranking and Rating list we can see that for the coming month the following stronger currencies are well represented for going long: […]
View From The Hill-Summary Of First Quarter 2016

View From The Hill-Summary Of First Quarter 2016

Oh what a difference a month makes and March certainly did as stocks made one of their biggest advances to salvage what almost became a losing quarter. Despite the extreme volatility experienced by investors extending from late December-2015 through mid February-2016, equities, excluding the Russell 2000 (-1.92%) and technology weighted Nasdaq-100 (-2.39%), delivered positive quarterly performances. While the SP-500 (+0.77%) barely nudged past […]
How Things Could Go For The USD Before And After The April FOMC Meeting

How Things Could Go For The USD Before And After The April FOMC Meeting

​Lately, there has been quite a bit of conversation surrounding the Federal Reserve, and for good reason. All last year, there was conversation about the Federal Reserve’s plans to increase its interest rate. While they intended on raising the rate around June, economic conditions slowed the process, and they weren’t able to do so until […]
Monday’s Momentum & Day Trade Setups – SPY GDX

Monday’s Momentum & Day Trade Setups – SPY GDX

On Friday, April 2nd right after the stock market closed the charts flashed us another set of trade signals – SPIKE ALERTS If you have been following my analysis the past month or two then you are well aware of just how accurate and profitable these simple Spike Trades can be within 12 – 48 […]
Interview With Rastegar Capital

Interview With Rastegar Capital

I sat down with Rastegar Capital’s Darren Manzari and Ari Rastegar to talk about how investments in stocks and commercial real estate complement each other.  
Standing Too Close To A Problem Can Make You Ignorant

Standing Too Close To A Problem Can Make You Ignorant

There is truth in the old adage that many cannot see the forest for the trees. I have seen financiers and engineers faced with a problem, pull out a calculator, and puke out analysis with solutions missing the big picture.   In some ways – Bosch, Audi, Porsche and VW are faced with the results […]