Global Uncertainties, PRC Slowdown Weigh On Asia’s Growth

Global Uncertainties, PRC Slowdown Weigh On Asia’s Growth

Growth is slowing across much of developing Asia as a result of the continued weak recovery in major industrial economies and softer growth prospects for the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This will combine to push growth in developing Asia for 2015 and 2016 below previous projections, says a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) report. […]
Grab These 4 Incredible Momentum Stocks For Less Than $10

Grab These 4 Incredible Momentum Stocks For Less Than $10

Momentum investing literally means “that which goes up will continue to go up for a period, and that which goes down will continue to go down.” Thus, momentum investors buy high on the anticipation that the asset (in our case stocks) will only ascend further in the short-to-intermediate term. The trick to achieve success in […]
Watch Wages For The Next Move In USD

Watch Wages For The Next Move In USD

It’s NFP day and the US dollar is finally stabilizing after a big fall in the closing day of Q1. The focus is ever growing on wages: the Fed’s focus is on its inflation mandate and job gains could be subsided. We covered the levels to watch in the NFP components, the levels to watch […]
Oil Tumbles After Saudis Say They Will Freeze Oil Production Only If Iran Joins

Oil Tumbles After Saudis Say They Will Freeze Oil Production Only If Iran Joins

And so the great “oil production freeze” rumor, which helped halt oil’s plunge after it hit a 13 year low in early February and forced a 50% short squeeze higher, dies. Moments ago, Bloomberg released details of a 5-hour long interview with the Saudi deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in which he said that the Saudis would freeze […]
NFPs Likely To Motivate More Volatility, Trend In Stocks Than Dollar

NFPs Likely To Motivate More Volatility, Trend In Stocks Than Dollar

Video length: 00:19:50 After a strong risk move and further Dollar slide this past week, we are looking at another likely surge of volatility to close out the week. US NFPs for March are due before the US open, and the series’ history of volatility has traders on edge. Market conditions are already primed for […]
The Path To The Final Crisis

The Path To The Final Crisis

Reader Questions on Negative Interest Rates Our reader L from Mumbai has mailed us a number of questions about the negative interest rate regime and its possible consequences. Since these questions are probably of general interest, we have decided to reply to them in this post. The NIRP club – negative central bank deposit rates […]
4 Small Cap Stocks Trading With Low PEG Ratios

4 Small Cap Stocks Trading With Low PEG Ratios

Currently, stock markets are struggling with several macroeconomic issues like the oil price slump, slow economic growth of China, the strengthening U.S. dollar and weakening energy markets. However, certain optimistic factors such as sound manufacturing data and declining unemployment rate reflect a positive outlook for the U.S. stock market. Nevertheless, since the broader market would […]
The Gold-To-Silver Ratio: A Truly Generational Opportunity

The Gold-To-Silver Ratio: A Truly Generational Opportunity

This week’s Gong Show in the global financial markets reminds me of the early 1980s before the advent of the Internet or online trading or blogs and especially before 30-something financial “advisors” were allowed to go on the national (and international) airwaves or Internet websites and babble on for what seem like days how “The […]
FTSE 100: Could Today’s NFP Report End The Stalemate?

FTSE 100: Could Today’s NFP Report End The Stalemate?

The FTSE 100 (FXCM: UK100) is lower by 0.42% at the time of writing and the decline appears to be an adjustment to soft overnight trading in the Asian stock markets. The Nikkei 225 was dealt the biggest blow and it closed lower by 3.55% for the day following the Tankan report and its failing […]
USD/JPY And AUD/USD Forecast – April 1, 2016

USD/JPY And AUD/USD Forecast – April 1, 2016

USD/JPY The USD/JPY pair initially fell during the course of the session on Thursday, but found enough support to turn things around and form a hammer. This was preceded by a hammer on Wednesday as well, so it’s very likely that we will get a bit of a bounce at this point. Ultimately, the Nonfarm […]