China Boasts Most Billionaires In The World & Makes For A Great Long Term Investment

China Boasts Most Billionaires In The World & Makes For A Great Long Term Investment

An ounce of patience is worth a pound of brains. – Dutch Proverb Our Asian edge Index and trend indicator clearly stated back in 2005, that China would lead the way in economic growth and eventually overtake the US in many areas. China now boasts the World’s Largest Middle Class, and it is growing much faster […]
The Repercussions Of Financial Booms And Crises

The Repercussions Of Financial Booms And Crises

Written by Joseph Joyce Financial booms have become a chronic feature of the global financial system. When these booms end in crises, the impact on economic conditions can be severe. Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff of Harvard pointed out that banking crises have been associated with deep downturns in output and employment, which is certainly […]
Yellen Gets Lovey-Dovey In Speech Citing “Other Tools” And More QE

Yellen Gets Lovey-Dovey In Speech Citing “Other Tools” And More QE

Now that Atlanta Fed president Dennis Lockhart has been thoroughly discredited with his “sufficient momentum to hike as soon as April” thesis, Fed Chair Janet Yellen is on board with slower hikes. In a speech today to the Economic Club of New York on The Outlook, Uncertainty, and Monetary Policy, Yellen stressed the need to go […]
Recent Stock Purchase March 2016

Recent Stock Purchase March 2016

With just a few days left in the month of March, I’m happy to announce my latest dividend purchase. This has to be one of the longest stretches of time between my buys as my last buy post was published on February 8 announcing the addition of 73 shares of ADM to my taxable account. Of course, […]
Negative Interest Rates: Causes, Consequences And Ramifications

Negative Interest Rates: Causes, Consequences And Ramifications

Central Banks are under the mistaken belief that negative interest rates could be the magic kiss which turns their toad economics into Prince Charmings.Why exactly do they think this? What makes Draghi, Kuroda, and others think imposing negative interest rates will stimulate credit and lending in their respective economies? It is important to understand the […]
The Devil Is In The Detail

The Devil Is In The Detail

That Was The Quarter That Was As we approach the end of the first quarter of 2016 it seems appropriate to look back at the events that shaped the trading landscape during this time, to see if we can learn anything that can inform our thinking in Q2. 2016 started with a bang rather than […]
Janet Yellen

Janet Yellen

Ah, she just mentioned the high “debt to GDP levels in the Q&A”. Thank you sir! Point made. She just jawboned QE 4, which is why I decided to make a post about the speech. She did not mention “QE” but hinted about buying T bonds in the absence of bullets left in the Fed […]
Bear Of The Day: Sina Corportation

Bear Of The Day: Sina Corportation

SINA Corporation (SINA – Analyst Report) is an online media company and our Bear of the Day after it recently became a Zacks Rank #5 (Strong Sell). Sina operates four major business segments: Sina Weibo, Sina Mobile, Sina Online, and The company has been labeled “The Twitter of China” as it’s a similar micro-blogging site that has […]
                        James Rickards- Central Banks Will Send Gold To $10,000 Or Higher

E James Rickards- Central Banks Will Send Gold To $10,000 Or Higher

Albert welcomes bestselling author, James Rickards, onto the program to discuss his new book, The New Case for Gold. Video Length: 00:48:43 Topics include: Financial Cyberwarfare and the risk to your wealth. The current financial war between the U.S. and Russia. The reason gold is real base money– M-sub-0. How bank account holders resemble pigs […]
                        Technically Speaking: The Dollar Paradox

EC Technically Speaking: The Dollar Paradox

This past weekend, I did not write a weekly newsletter as I was traveling for the Easter holiday. Therefore, before I get to the “Dollar Paradox,” let’s take a look at the technical backdrop from last week to identify any important short-term changes to the overall outlook. As I noted then: “While my “emotions” are currently screaming to start […]