What Happens To AAPL Stock Around Iphone Releases?
Jul 13, 2017Jeremy Parkinson0
There’s no denying that every iPhone release has an impact on AAPL stock, and there are certain patterns the shares follow around the announcement and availability dates. With this year marking the 10-year anniversary of the iPhone, Apple is expected to release three new models, including the special edition iPhone 8. Due to this, AAPL stock […]
The Budget Deficit Under Trump, Excluding Unicorn Effects
Jul 13, 2017Jeremy Parkinson0
The CBO has just released an assessment of the President’s budget proposal. Balancing the budget looks unrealistic, even given massively sweeping (and unrealistic) spending cuts. Here are the projected budget balances, under CBO baseline (blue), as claimed in the Budget submitted by the White House (red), and as assessed by the CBO (green). Figure 1: Federal budget balance […]
USD/JPY – Can It Clear 115.00?
Jul 13, 2017Jeremy Parkinson0
USD/JPY finds itself in a precarious position. While the pair remains in an uptrend it is coming dangerously close to forming a double top at the 114.50 barriers unless it can get push higher from buyers to clear the key 115.00 resistance level. Testimony from Janet Yellen today was inconclusive as she failed to offer […]
Ranking The 20 Most Valuable Cryptocurrencies Over Time
Jul 13, 2017Jeremy Parkinson0
var divElement = document.getElementById(‘viz1499972889156’); var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName(‘object’)[0]; vizElement.style.width=’1004px’;vizElement.style.height=’869px’; var scriptElement = document.createElement(‘script’); scriptElement.src = ‘https://public.tableau.com/javascripts/api/viz_v1.js’; vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement); This ranking can teach us about the evolving market for cryptocurrencies and the direction it may take as more and more competing players emerge. A MATTER OF SCALE The movement – or lack thereof – of market cap rankings […]
4 Excellent PEG Stocks For GARP Investors
Jul 13, 2017Jeremy Parkinson0
In a market hurt by external shocks, equity investments need to be properly hedged. A question that arises frequently is whether one should resort to a value strategy that seeks discounted stocks or opt for growth investing in times of extreme market instability. The investing track of the Oracle of Omaha over the past few […]
IMF Rings The Alarm On Canada’s Economy
Jul 13, 2017Jeremy Parkinson0
Shortly after yesterday’s rate hike by the Bank of Canada, its first since 2010, we warned that as rates in Canada begin to rise, the local economy which has seen a striking decline in hourly earnings in the past year, which remains greatly reliant on a vibrant construction sector, and where households are the most levered on record, if there […]
That’s Not Low Volatility, This Is Low Volatility…
Jul 13, 2017Jeremy Parkinson0
I was chatting with an acquaintance the other day about the resilience of credit in the face of multiple political land mines that, under normal circumstances, would have caused spreads on IG and HY to widen materially. [What? Isn’t that something you talk to your friends about?] We both agreed that while suppressed equity vol. […]
Even The “Experts” Get It Wrong Occasionally
Jul 13, 2017Jeremy Parkinson0
A friend was lamenting about the difficulty he was having getting “look through” information on closed end funds and ETFs, specifically bond funds, and calling into his online brokerage firm for help didn’t yield much better results. Closed end funds not necessarily being transparent isn’t news and while I am surprised he had the same […]
Pitchforks Coming For Central Bankers
Jul 13, 2017Jeremy Parkinson0
As central banks have pumped trillions of QE liquidity into the financial system since 2008, money supply (green) increased along with household debt (in red), but economic output (green) has maintained its downward trend along with wages and salaries (black). This is a big problem, because credit bubbles have always burst–every one (see chart below)–evaporating […]
Rail Week Ending 08 July 2017: Slowing Continues
Jul 13, 2017Jeremy Parkinson0
Week 27 of 2017 shows same week total rail traffic (from same week one year ago) improved according to the Association of American Railroads (AAR) traffic data. The economically intuitive sectors slowing continues. Analyst Opinion of the Rail Data We review this data set to understand the economy. If coal and grain are removed from the analysis, rail over […]