This Japanese Classic Turns Market Emotion Into Cold, Hard Cash

This Japanese Classic Turns Market Emotion Into Cold, Hard Cash

I’ve been trading and teaching for more than 25 years. Since 2009, I’ve taught 300,000 traders the specific ways they can spot high-probability, low-risk trades. So I think this is the perfect time for an “anniversary present.” It’s a priceless antique, more than 300 years old, and it comes all the way from the Japan […]
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts – All Things New

Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts – All Things New

“And the angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here;  He is risen from the dead.  Go and tell the others.  This is my message to you.'” Mt 28:5-8 “For God so loved the world…” John 3:16 Gold and silver […]
GameStop Corp. Slumps After Sales, Guidance Miss

GameStop Corp. Slumps After Sales, Guidance Miss

GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME) released its fourth quarter earnings report after closing bell tonight, posting adjusted earnings of $2.40 per share on revenue of $3.53 billion. Analysts had been expecting sales of $3.57 billion and earnings of $2.25 per share. Reported earnings were $2.36 per share, compared to $2.23 per share in the year-ago quarter. GameStop’s […]
DuPont Fabros Technology – Chart Of The Day

DuPont Fabros Technology – Chart Of The Day

The Chart of the Day belongs to DuPont Fabros Technology (NYSE:DFT). I found the REIT by using Barchart to sort today’s All Time High list first by the gain in the last 6 months then I used to Flipchart feature to review the charts. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 4/28 the stock gained 24.43%. DuPont Fabros Technology, Inc. […]
The Rise Of Alternative Fuel Sources

The Rise Of Alternative Fuel Sources

Stratfor analysts discuss the future of lithium batteries and supply/demand factors impacting costs. Video Length: 00:06:09
Don’t Be Fooled… “Helicopter Money” Is Already Here

Don’t Be Fooled… “Helicopter Money” Is Already Here

Baltimore – We’re drifting in fog. Have been for years. And what’s this? A vague silhouette… the outline of something… coming into focus. Yes… it’s the strange Isle of Peculiarities and Impossibilities. When it rains on this island, the water comes up from the ground. When the sun shines, you have to put on your […]
13 Black Swans Swirling Above The US Economy

13 Black Swans Swirling Above The US Economy

  The black swans are circling like vultures now. Dark economic events seem to be flying in out of nowhere for those who have vision to see them. Even dovish New York Fed President William Dudley, who cannot tell the difference between money and hot air, sees a lot of black in the skies now and says that he is […]
When Does The U.S. Stock Bubble Burst: The Best Hedge Fund Of 2016 Has A Surprising Answer

When Does The U.S. Stock Bubble Burst: The Best Hedge Fund Of 2016 Has A Surprising Answer

The name of Russell Clark and his Horseman Global hedge fund are well-known to regular readers: Clark is perhaps best known not only for having run a net short book since early 2012… … but for being consistently profitable and successful during this period, a time when most of his “pedigree” peers have been underperforming the market […]
Chasing Momentum

Chasing Momentum

Momentum is one of the most powerful and persistent market anomalies. The evidence supporting this assertion is overwhelming. The idea that buying past winners and selling past losers (from 1-12 months) can lead to outperformance, though, is still bewildering to many. It’s not intuitive, especially for value investors, to believe that past performance in security […]
4 Utility Stocks Perfect For Low Beta Investors

4 Utility Stocks Perfect For Low Beta Investors

The stock market has rebounded nicely now, thanks to the rally in oil prices and a positive set of data, particularly the jobs report that speaks of a recovering U.S. economy. Yet, investors can’t overlook the sharp sell-off seen earlier this year along with first-quarter earnings gloominess and feeble global growth. And until the 2016 […]